
Terre is a continental land surrounded by an infinite oceanic expanse, a land of opportunities, wonders, magic, and unrest. From the start of time, the ruling power of Terre has changed multiple times, but none is as large of a threat to the entire world and its inhabitants as what is currently threatening the entire continent: the Iris Corruption.

The independent city of Bladefall, and its High Wall, once a bastion of humanity and a stalwart line of defense against the Iris Corruption, has finally fallen after what seems like the sudden betrayal of the Old Guardian. The world is plummetted into chaos, as the Corruption advances like tides inland, only temporarily held back by the defenses of Verzae Legion and Nomadic States of Maltross. The leylines weep under the roots of the Viridian Grove, now within Corrupted territory, and tall tales of new threats emerge like wildfire all over the continent.

Whether with blade, sulphur, or arcanes, the land channels all its might and potential into its inhabitants, to lend itself an edge against the Enemy, but is it enough to unite the people, fend off the Corruption, let along eradicate this intruder? Only time can tell.

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