
  • Demonym: Fassian
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Chaos, Forge, Light
  • Titles: Helio’s Rage; The Celestial Twins.
  • Holy Symbol: A solar eclipse.


  • Demonym: Vomian
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Domains: Death, Order, Twilight
  • Titles: Lune’s Pride; The Celestial Twins.
  • Holy Symbol: A lunar eclipse.

Among the stars, two have accompanied Terre and its people for eternity: the Sun and the Moon. Although the arcane languages refer them as Helios and Lune, to most commonfolk they are better recognized as Fass and Vome: Two celestial siblings stuck in an endless cycle of battle for the Astral Sky. Dawn and dusk are painted with the blood of the victim and the victor alike, and day and night are claimed by the one that yet survive. But then the cycle is disturbed and the stars align, the twins shall eclipse each other, sending those under their light spiraling into madness. Some say that there must be a beginning, as one sibling must born from the shadow of another, but who is the shadow and who is the light?

Fass and Vome, the Celestial Twins, are twin gods of the astral bodies: The Sun, Helios; and the Moon, Lune. They are depicted as sisters in capes of sunlight and moonlight, holding weapons, and locked in battle: Fass with her spear and shield, and Lune with a pair of crescent blades. They are in eternal combat over the Astral Sky of Terre, giving rise to dawn and dusk, day and night. Many pay respects to the twins for all the boons they have gifted the land, yet Fass and Vome are too deep in their own strife to pay much attention. Followers fortunate enough to receive a part of their power are also gifted with the responsibility to spread the ideals and wills of their deity, often times against the other.

Relationship with Other Deities

Since the beginning of time, the Celestial Twins have only known one thing and one thing only, that is to triumph over each other in an endless cycle of battle. They do not tend to pay any attention to other matters, only a concentrated hatred towards each other.

Followers of Fass and Vome tend to interact with other deities or their followers a lot more than their goddesses. Other than their shared hatred towards each other, Fassian followers tend to cooperate with beliefs like that of Gloria, while Vomian followers would rather seek for example Apocryph or Xbeltz’aloc.

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