
  • Demonym: Pandeusian
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Domains: Freedom, Peace, War
  • Titles: Chain-Breaker; The Rebel.
  • Holy Symbol: A pair of broken shackles.

Some say that time is a cycle, that history eventually repeats itself. Indeed, for many years the Tieflings are ruled under the infernal iron fist of the Demon Lord Goetia, only breaking free with the help of those above, and in turn, they became the tyrant after centuries, for which the humans and the others rebelled against them.

Pandeus embodies the spirits of the oppressed, and fought along the humans in the Tides of Steel, leading the armies in the battlefield in body and spirit. He is a kind and generous soul, but he understands that freedom and peace are nothing if one does not have the power to maintain them and fight for them.

Pandeus is portrayed as an unarmored gladiator with broken shackles on his wrists. As the patron god of humans, Pandeus embodies the freedom and potential of humans, earned from the grasps of the Forgotten Empire only after their rebellion during the Tides of Steel. Moreover, he watches over all that rebels against tyranny anywhere, and by designs of fate, including the Tieflings that rebeled against the fiends, the very enemy that he fought against. Followers of Pandeus denounces tyranny and those that rules without mercy, and will aid anyone that is under oppression, even if that implies resorting to violence.

Relationship with Other Deities

As the embodiment of freedom, Pandeusian belief is fundamentally opposed to all acts of oppression and tyranny, including all deities domaining over them. This includes Shakari, Flauros, and most notably Goetia, the Demon Lord.

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