
  • Demonym: Casporian
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Domains: Knowledge, Luck, Peace.
  • Titles: Welcoming Host.
  • Holy Symbol: A burning bonfire.

Many of the halffolks travel Terre in search of treasure, power, or often times just a good laugh, but for them there is truly no where like home, no matter where it may be. Having built their homes in and between the mounds between Maltross and the Divine Glorian Empire, the halffolks very soon earned their reputation for being welcoming and hospitable. Visitors to the mounds can find any openly lit bonfire to sit around, and the host will greet and treat you like family, sharing foods, drinks, and stories around the fire, as everyone mutters a prayer to Caspor, god of the halffolks, one with a kind spirit and a open heart.

Caspor is often depicted as a halfling or gnome, tending to the bonfire with a smile on his face. As the patron god of halffolks: gnomes and halflings, Caspor is worshipped for his hospitality and that of his people. He watches over the homes of not only those living in the mounds, but also families all around Terre as a kind act of sharing and caring. Followers of Caspor loves to share their happiness with others around them, be it lodging, cuisines, or just nice old stories.

Relationship with Other Deities

As a god of hospitality and friendship, Caspor shares a cordial relationship with most deities of Terre, except for a few who have a preference for conflict and hostility, like Strife, Shakari, Goetia, and Flauros.

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