
  • Demonym: Paimon
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Domains: Death, Knowledge, Trickery
  • Titles: Forbidden King; Guide of Sins.
  • Holy Symbol: A tiara of azure butterflies.

Some may say that knowledge is power, and some may then say that power is everything. And to hold everything in one’s hand, one must be willing to do everything, even those that will send them delving into the deep abyss of madness. Under the guidance and temptation presented by Paimon, such is often the price that seekers and scholars pay for taking the shortcut by accessing the forbidden knowledge of the world, but with such great risk also come great fortune, as after all time is the most precious currency to mortals. But even the god of forbidden knowledge himself understands fondly that somethings are forbidden even to gods, a truth perhaps darker than the dark truths that Paimon guards.

Paimon is depicted as an androgynous man with white-gray long hair, in noble clothing, and often surrounded by azure butterflies. He is the god of forbidden knowledge, tricking, tempting, and guiding mortals into learning and accessing the knowledges that should not be known to mortal kinds, the dark truths. Followers of Paimon holds similar beliefs, that denying the acquisition of knowledge is the most ignorant act of all.

Relationship with Other Deities

As the god of forbidden knowledge, Paimon stands against Oscerion and the Elder Wyrm, the two deities overseeing regulation of magic and knowledge. Apocryph, god of secrets, similarly opposes Paimon beliefs, due to the latter’s inclination to unveil secrets and break oaths for the knowledge behind them.

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