Reign of the Forgotten Empire

Geographical Division

The Forgotten Empire, back then simply known as “The Empire”, in the past spanned the entirety of western Terre, dwarfing even the Divine Glorian Empire at its prime. While the Ascendant held dominion over their territory at the Gate, several provinces were established and given various degree of autonomy, with their own provincial government and Imperator. The most revelant province is Okeanos, also known in the present days as the Provincial Empire of Okeanos, the only piece of land the Forgotten Empire kept after the Tides of Steel.

Following is a list of provinces and their approximate geographical locations.

  • Pylae (Gate): The smallest province containing Shattered Gate and its surrounding forests, Pylae serves as the administrative and political capitol of the Empire.
  • Veos (Green): A province containing southern Verza. A mostly residential province, good for hunting and foraging and the entertaining of the monarchy.
  • Erimos (Desert): A province containing eastern Maltross, northeastern Verza, and a part of the Barrens. A lot of aboriginals of Terre relocated towards the Barrens after the Empire’s expansion, but slowly and surely converged within the province of Erimos. It is the most demographically diverse province of the Empire, most living a nomadic lifestyle just like current day Maltrossians.
  • Elos (Swamp): A province encompassing the marshes of southern Albion’s March, as well as the Mounds to the east. The Empire made various attempts to terraform the swamp in order to utilize the rich soil, yet have not seen much success until the project is deemed futile.
  • Akardia (Heart): A province containing the surrounding regions of Lake Akardia, located at the border crossings of Maltross, Verza, DGE, and Astartia. As the geographical center of Terre, the province of Akardia was a major transportation center for travels from and to the Gate.
  • Fortuna (Storm): A province containing current day Labyrinthine and the archipelago island chains of northern Albion’s March. The scholars of the Forgotten Empire conducted extensive researches on the Folly of Storm, yet a plethora of secrets still yet hide within the tempest.
  • Ormos (Bay): A province containing Astartia and middle-southern DGE. A agricultural focused region that supplied the Forgotten Empire with food and stability.
  • Vounos (Mountain): A province containing the entirety of Peran and a piece of current day DGE including Crestwatch. A region rather underdeveloped and slightly focused on military developements, the province of Vounos supplied the Empire with timber and logs from the lush forest that used to inhabit Peran, and an army prepared to defend against the primal assaults of the jungle.
  • Chionia (Snow): A province containing the taiga and temperate forests in northwestern and middle-northern DGE. Similarly underdeveloped due to the harsh environment, the province of Chionia nonetheless supplied the Empire with stone and masonary from Mount Taignos range.
  • Okeanos (Ocean): The predecessor of the current day Provincial Empire of Okeanos, this province was known throughout the history of the Empire for its mystique and beauty. Geographical seperation by the Mount Taignos range rendered the flora and fauna of Okeanos distinct from that of the rest of Terre, attracting tourists and migrations from all across Terre.

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