Fractured Kingdoms of Albion’s March
- Common languages: Various
- Inhabitant races: Various
- Population as of AC 1411: ~ 1,380,000
Between the temperate forests of the Divine Glorian Empire and the savanna grassland where Maltrossian caravans graze, the spires and towers of Labyrinthine are first and foremost, but in their shadows lies the torn and ravaged land of Albion’s March. Since the political sundering of Central Kingdom of Esh’dun some four hundred years ago, the marshes and archipelagos surrounding Labyrinthine has been constantly plagued by war and conflict, between dozens nations and states fighting for scarse resources and shelter from the hostile environment.
Albion’s March
The swampy marsh to the south and the cragged islands to the north of Labyrinthine are known throughout history as Albion’s March, a name originating from oldtongue with origins buried and lost. Nowadays it is known by many different, sometimes conflicting names - all depending on who you ask. Seventeen or so different geopolitical entities partition these lands into fragmented regions; the borders change daily, and new claims, conquers, and rebellions light up like wildfire.
Even back in the reign of the Forgotten Empire, Albion’s March was constantly neglected for its scarsity of natural resources. The swamps are not terrains suitable for either construction or agriculture; While the ocean engulfing the northern islands support oceanic life to some extent, the islands themselves are barely habitable due to stony soil and frequent storms. The Folly of Storm, the wild and unbridled arcane tornado surrounding Labyrinthine, only exacerbated the plight plaguing Albion’s March with extreme weathers and mutations in wildlife.
Toward the end of the Tides of Steel, the Divine Glorian Empire was hesitant to annex Albion’s March into its borders, so the region united around the gateway city of Bound under the banner of the Central Kingdom of Esh’dun. This unity proved short-lived, predictably so, when internal conflicts between settlements and cities over resource and land became so irreconcilable that the Kingdom quickly crumbled and fractured into several nation-states warring amongst and within themselves around the turn of the millennium.
Four centuries after its sundering, the shadows of war never really left Albion’s March: despite the departure of many actors of the play, many more rises to replace their place on stage.
Bound, Gateway City
Sitting at the river mouth of Greater Thyssian, at the southern end of the Ringed Sea surrounding Labyrinthine, the city of Bound was established by Labyrinthine mages as a gateway through the swirling arcane tempest surrounding the island housing the Mages’ Guild. During the Tides of Steel, the Central Kingdom of Esh’dun set their capitol to Bound and maintained the city together with Labyrinthine, but even with their influence, the Kingdom proved short-lived.
Ever since the dissolution of Esh’dun in AC 993, Bound has been administered by Labyrinthine directly, to maintain a safe passageway into the Clock Tower that is free from the warfare ravaging other parts of Albion’s March. The city walls, as well as the Risen Road coming in from the south along Greater Thyssian, has been established as a neutral zone. Occupants of the surrounding land, past and present, have largely abided to this rule, fearing repercussions from the Mages’ Guild, and draw their borders along the main road.
While technically Bound is an independent city like Bladefall, it is in truth very dependent on Labyrinthine to even exist. Apart from political turmoil, Bound, along with a majority of coastal regions of the Ringed Sea, is constantly threatened by extreme weathers caused by the Folly of Storm. Without defensive fields deployed, Bound would have perished quickly by meteor showers, tar rain, lightning strikes, tornados, and the like. Residents of the gateway city have for now the leisure to watch these spectacular phenomenons from a safe distance, the looming threat of the defenses failing, and the lack of both natural resources and trades with other settlements keeps the entire city on edge constantly.
Scattered Country-States
Fifth Kingdom of Esh’dun
The (possibly self-proclaimed) righteous descendant to the Central Kingdom. Located to in the western part of Albion’s March, neighboring the Divine Glorian Empire. Defeated and annexed multiple times, somehow manages to return every time.
New Esh’dun Coalition
A democracy seeking to reunite all fractured kingdoms, spearheaded by government officials and army leaders of the Fourth Esh’dun Kingdom. Occupies the proximity of Bound, to the east of the Risen Road.
Reclaimed Kingdom of Thyssian
A imperial regime located between the Greater and Lesser Thyssian rivers, on the eastern side of Bound, with a relative abundance of natural resources, aiming to bring law and order to Albion’s March and Bound. Currently at war with Haarkien to the south-east.
Haarkien Free States
Several groups of bandits and mercenaries banded together to raid the rich lands of the Reclaimed Kingdom of Thyssian. Would probably take over the Risen Road if given the chance, but without proper reason Labyrinthine still maintains neutrality.
Southern Thyssian Territories
A region south to the Reclaimed Kingdom along the Greater Thyssian river very recently plagued by insect swarms and void of almost all resources. The swarms poses a significant threat to the Risen Road, but Labyrinthine have not managed to totally eradicate the swarms yet.
West Duvakis Kingdom & East Duvakis Kingdom
Two recently-split kingdoms located in the south-western part of Albion’s March, with almost identical demography, ideology, and characteristics. After the previous king of Duvakis died without a proper will, his twin sons each claimed half of the kingdom as the righteous heir to the throne.
Argian Island Coalition
The coastal regions to the west of the Ringed Sea, as well as a couple of major islands form a coalition reliant on seafaring and aquaculture to survive. These islands are farthest away from the Folly of Storm, and thus are relatively calm.
Ancestral Kingdom of Skadyr
On the far northern point of the Archipelago chain is a boreal and mountainous island, home to a kingdom of draconic worshippers. Their King claims to be the reincarnation of a True Dragon, Skadyr, that once roams Albion’s March. The kingdom’s fanaticism is often the laughing stock of their rivals, but the citizens seem to believe their King’s imperial creed without a doubt.
Inselundi Barony
A collection of small islands surrounding the larger island of Lund, at the northeastern part of the Archipelago chain of Albion’s March. Occult worships and dark magic seems abundant within the Barony’s borders; For some reason, the dead do not tend to rest well on these islands.