Druid - Circle of the Storm

Wind, rain, and storm are the most primal and ferocious aspect of nature. Druids worshipping this aspect embodies the unrefined and unpredictable prowess of the storm and the sea within them.

Master of the Storm

At 2nd level, add the following cantrips and spells to your druid spell list, and you learn one cantrip from this list.

  • Cantrips: Booming Blades, Lightning Lure, Shocking Grasp
  • 1st: Thunderous Smite
  • 2nd: Shatter
  • 3rd: Lightning Arrow, Lightning Bolt, Thunder Step
  • 4th: Storm Sphere
  • 6th: Chain Lightning

Tempest’s Jealousy

Starting at 2nd level, you deal 1 less damage with spells that do not deal thunder of lightning damage. You deal additional damage with spells that deal thunder or lightning damage equal to the spell’s level.

Storm’s Reach

Starting at 6th level, whenever you cast a spell that deals thunder or lightning damage, you can choose another enemy within 30 feet of you that was not the damaged by the spell. That enemy is struck by a minor bolt of storm, dealing 1d6 lightning and 1d6 thunder damage to them.

Ocean’s Grace

Starting at 10th level, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can walk on water as if it is solid ground.
  • You can breathe underwater.
  • You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed.
  • You can calm a naturally occurring storm to a lower intensity or cause it to dissipate.
  • Whenever you cast the Call Lightning spell while it is raining or out at sea, it is cast at one level higher than the spell slot you consumed.

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