
  • Controlled by: Nomadic State of Maltross
  • Capitol: Fleethall
  • Official language: Infernal common
  • Common languages: Orcish, draconic, goblin, halfling, gnomish
  • Inhabitant races: Outlander races, skinwalkers, halffolks
  • Demonym: Maltrossian
  • Population as of AC 1411: ~ 2,900,000
  • Approximate form of government: Representative Democracy
  • Head of State: Farseer of the Nomad’s Committee

In the old times, the savannic fields of Maltross used to be viewed as an extension of the barren deserts of the Outland. The High Wall however seperates the two sister lands from each other, as well as the more savage from the more civilized. Now immigrants from the outlands roam the land of Maltross with their caravans in a nomadic faction, more civilized than their outlander counterparts, but equally fearsome in their martial nature.

Caravans and Nomads

Current day Maltross, covered by savannic grasslands, is home to a society of nomadic warriors of mixed races, mostly of outlander origins. Maltrossians form different groups of travelling caravans, whether by family, by race, by status, or simply by friendship, and roam the grasslands and savannas of Maltrossian territory to graze and travel and interact with each other. Their geographical proximity to the High Wall, and thus both the Lost Lands and the Barrens, marks their travel in eastern Maltross quite tumultuous due to conflicts with the Corruption or occasional outland raiders.

The construction of the High Wall separated Maltross from the Barrens, which unfortunately further divided the outlander society. The more civil individuals gave up their old warring ways in the Barrens and moved inland into the fields of Maltross, while the more savage dismissed the idea as weak. Conflicts arise from the division of society and resource, and outland raiding activities of various severity spawned as a result, that burdened the workload of watchers of the High Wall, which many Maltrossians in return volunteered to patrol.


Fleethall is a floating megastructure, suspended in air with engineering, alchemy, and magic, which serves as the mobile capitol city for Maltross. It travels in a fixed pattern in the southwestern regions of Maltross, away from the active dangers near the High Wall, and along the northern road from the inland regions to Bladefall.

The city is constructed with compactness and efficiency in mind, utilizing spaces horizontally or vertically, with buildings and houses stacked on top of each other. The ‘undergrounds’ of Fleethall is a giant forge-engine system, housing the engine which propells downwards, with enough force to support the weight of a city, and if needs be, eliminate an invading ground army in a matter of seconds. These characteristics of Fleethall implies a high demand for talents in engineering and alchemy, thus attracting many talents to the city, and earning it a reputation in said fields rivalling that of Unterbergstadt and Barohaven.

The Nomad’s Committee, the major Maltrossian legislation, is located in Fleethall. Each race with significant presence within Maltross elects a representative to serve within the committee, and one of them each year serve as the Farseer of Maltross, cycling between the races each term.

The Mounds

Aside from the savanna, Maltross also houses hilly grasslands near its western border with Albion’s March and the Divine Glorian Empire, known as ‘The Mounds’ to the people living there. Halffolks: gnomes and halflings, have made these mounds their home, by emptying the insides of the small hills and repurposing them into hearty residences, chilly in the summer and warm in the winter. These halffolks are known for their hospitality, and takes pride in their cooking skills to make their guests feel completely at home around the Mounds.

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