
Chronicles of Terre uses an alternative to the background option in 5th edition to allow more room to customize your character. A character’s origin signifies their cultural and occupational background prior to their adventures. Mechanically, an origin usually provides a single ability score increase, two proficiencies, and a minor feature.

To select an origin, consult the list below, and choose a region and a sub-origin. Your cultural background should correspond to the region, and your occupational background should be somewhat reflected by your choice of sub-origin. It is suggested to choose a sub-origin under your chosen region, but exceptions can be made in accordance to your character’s backstory.

Any combination of class and race can take any origin, but certain origins are only reasonably taken by certain combinations. For example, a Grove Keeper or Gate Warden of Verza are seldomly netheric arcane casters, and non-tieflings in Okeanos are almost always Foreign Subjects. Discuss with your DM to come up with a reasonable selection of origin.

Verzae Origins

The forests of Verza connects its inhabitants to the Land itself. You gain +1 to your choice of Dexterity or Wisdom and proficiency in Nature.

  • Legionnaire: You gain proficiency in your choice of Athletics or Acrobatics, and one martial weapon of your choice. You gain +1 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon type.
  • Grove Keeper: You gain proficiency in History and Woodcarver’s Tools. You may cast Speak with Plants once per long rest, and you have advantage on persuasion checks against plants.
  • Druid-in-Training: You gain proficiency in Animal Handling and Herbalism Kit. You learn a Druid cantrip, with Wisdom as your casting ability.
  • Gate Warden: You gain proficiency in Arcana. You may cast Detect Magic with this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Ruin Scholar: You gain proficiency in Investigation and Mason’s Tool. You may cast Identify at will without material components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Nether-Influenced: You gain proficiency in Deception. You learn a Wizard, Sorcerer, or Warlock cantrip of your choice. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Forest Hermit: You gain proficiency in Survival and Carpenter’s Tools. You can automatically feed a number of party members by foraging depending on the environment, with a maximum of three in rich environments such as that of Verza.

Hollunberg Origins

The mountain peaks of Hollunberg give rise to hardy folks. You gain +1 to your choice of Strength or Constitution and proficiency in Survival.

  • Peak Resident: You gain proficiency in Acrobatics. You gain resistance to fall damage and does not take damage from falls of 30 ft or less.
  • Valley Tribal: You gain proficiency in History. You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
  • Cavern Delver: You gain proficiency in Perception. You gain darkvision of 30 ft. If you already have darkvision, its range is extended by 30 ft.
  • Lava-Forged: You gain proficiency in Intimidation. Any instance of Fire damage you take is reduced by 2 before resistance. Any instance of Fire damage you deal is increased by 1.
  • Crafter Apprentice: You gain proficiency in Investigation and one Artisan’s Tool of your choice. Under Construction together with the crafting system.
  • Tunneller: You gain proficiency in Athletics. You gain a burrow speed of 10 ft.

Maltrossian Origins

The nomadic traditions of Maltross requires strong arms and quick wits. You gain +1 to your choice of Strength or Wisdom and proficiency in Athletics.

  • Caravan Driver: You gain proficiency in Animal Handling and Land Vehicles. You can easily communicate with equine animals and have advantage on checks against them.
  • Fleethall Engineer: You gain proficiency in Investigation and one Artisan’s Tool of your choice. Your critical range against Constructs and Objects is 19-20.
  • Watchwall Guard: You gain proficiency in Perception and Mason’s Tools. You have advantage on opportunity attacks.
  • Nomadic Patrol: You gain proficiency in Survival. Instead of sleeping, you can medidate similar to an elf for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an 8 hour rest. If you are already an elf, you reduce the time to 2 hours.
  • Moundfolk: You gain proficiency in Insight and Cook’s Utensils. Whenever you use the help action, your ally receives an additional +2 to their total roll.

Divine Glorian Empire Origins

Widespread worshipping of Gloria and religious practices in Divine Glorian Empire puts you one step closer to the gods. You gain +1 to your choice of Wisdom or Charisma and proficiency in Religion.

  • Paladin-in-Training: You gain proficiency in Athletics. You may cast Detect Evil and Good with this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, recharging on long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Churchworker: You gain proficiency in History. You learn a Cleric cantrip of your choice. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Empire Courier: You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand and Cartographer’s Tools. Your walking speed is increased by 10 ft.
  • Noble Lineage: You gain proficiency in Performance and Calligrapher’s Supplies. You have advantage on Persuasion checks against friendly targets.
  • Dark Servant: You gain proficiency in Deception and Forgery Kit. You learn a Warlock cantrip of your choice. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Healer of Faith: You gain proficiency in Medicine. You may cast Healing Word at 1st level with this feature once per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability with this feature.

Albion’s March Origins

Those born and raised in the Fractured Kingdoms of Albion’s March are victims to both the war-torn land and the arcane-infested sea. You gain +1 to your choice of Constitution and Intelligence, and proficiency in Survival.

  • Mire Dweller: You gain proficiency in Acrobatics. When you use the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action, difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement on that turn.
  • Drafted Militia: You gain proficiency in Athletics, and one martial weapon of your choice. You gain +1 to damage rolls with the chosen weapon type.
  • Sailor of Rough Seas: You gain proficiency in Perception and Water Vehicles. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid getting knocked prone.
  • Warzone Diplomat: You gain proficiency in Persuasion and Calligrapher’s Tools. You may cast Calm Emotions with this feature once per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Gateway Operator: You gain proficiency in Arcana. You may cast Vortex Warp with this feature once per long rest. Vortex Warp cast with this feature has a range of 30 ft instead of 90 ft. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Orphaned by War: You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hands and Cobbler’s Tools. You have advantage on Constitution saves against disease effects.
  • Entropy-Struck: You gain proficiency in Nature. Whenever you deal damage with a critical hit or take damage from a critical hit, the damage type is randomized, according to a d8 roll on the Chaos Bolt damage type table.

Astartian Origins

The martial and honor-bound cultures of Astartia train powerful warriors pursuing the art of the sword. You gain +1 to your choice of Strength or Dexterity, and proficiency in Performance.

  • Gulf Sailor: You gain proficiency in Survival and Navigator’s Tools. You always know north and you have advantage on Survival checks to navigate.
  • Born to the Fields: You gain proficiency in Athletics and Cook’s Utensils. Whenever you take a short rest, all companions may heal themselves for an amount equal to their Constitution modifier.
  • Honorbound: You gain proficiency in Intimidation. You have advantage on saving throws against Enchantment spells.
  • Mercyful Heart: You gain proficiency in Persuasion. All damage you deal can be non-lethal. Whenever you spare an enemy this way, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Shadow Warrior: You gain proficiency in Stealth and Disguise Kit. You have advantage on stealth checks while in darkness.
  • Legacy of Steel: You gain proficiency in History. You carry a martial melee weapon of your choice. It is magical, and you are proficient with it.
  • Spiritual Visions: You gain proficiency in Religion. You may cast Speak with Dead with this feature once per long rest, and you have advantage on persuasion checks against spirits and undeads. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this feature.

Labyrinthian Origins

Those born to the Clock Tower often dabble in the Netheric arcanes at a young age. You gain +1 to your choice of Intelligence or Charisma and proficiency in Arcana.

  • Academy Student: You gain proficiency in one Skill or one Artisan’s Tool of your choice. You learn Prestidigitation and another Wizard cantrip of your choice. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Guild Associate: You gain proficiency in History and one Artisan’s Tool of your choice. Whenever a spell is cast, you may use your reaction to identify it. Whenever a spell-like ability is used, you may use your reaction to Scan it.
  • Tower Bureaucrat: You gain proficiency in one Charisma Skill of your choice and one Gaming Set of your choice. You can cast Unseen Servant at will. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Clock Keeper: You gain proficiency in Perception and Tinker’s Tools. You may move up to half your movement speed as part of a readied action.
  • Exiled Outcast: You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand. Choose one 1st Level Spell. You may cast it with this feature once per long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Cloistered Bookkeeper: You gain proficiency in Investigation and your choice of Calligrapher’s or Painter’s Supplies. You may cast Comprehend Languages with this feature once per long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Enchanter Apprentice: Under construction.

Perani Origins

Peran is a place where coin speaks true power and shrewdness and survival goes hand to hand. You gain +1 to your choice of Constitution or Wisdom and proficiency in Insight.

  • Merchantile: You gain proficiency in Persuasion and Jeweler’s Tools. You have advantage on Persuasion and Deception checks used for bartering.
  • Vagabond: You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand and Thieves’ Tools. You gain a +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls with improvised weapons.
  • Brass Tinker: You gain proficiency in Investigation and Tinker’s Tools. You learn the Mending cantrip, except you can cast it as an action.
  • Wasteland Hunter: You gain proficiency in Survival. You gain resistance against poison damage, and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.
  • Road Agents: You gain proficiency in Stealth and Poisoner’s Kit. You gain advantage on initiative checks.
  • Secret Operative: You gain proficiency in Deception and Forgery Kit. You may cast Illusory Script at will. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this feature. You may only have one effect active from this feature at a time.

Yharnian Origins

The jungles of Yharn hides more dangers than outsiders can imagine. You gain +1 to your choice of Dexterity or Constitution and proficiency in Survival.

  • Witch Doctor: You gain proficiency in Medicine and Herbalism Kit. You may cast Detect Poison and Disease with this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Tribal Ambassador: You gain proficiency in Insight and Calligrapher’s Supplies. You learn 2 additional languages. Whenever a creature you can hear speaks, you can identify which language it is speaking.
  • Beast Tracker: You gain proficiency in Investigation and Poisoner’s Kit. You gain a +3 bonus to passive perception and passive investigation. This bonus does not stack with the Observant feat.
  • Arboreal: You gain proficiency in Acrobatics. You gain advantage on any skill checks and saving throws to avoid faling off an ledge.
  • Ritual Priest: You gain proficiency in Nature and Potter’s Tools. You learn one 1st level ritual spell of your choice, and you may only cast it as a ritual with this feature. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this feature.
  • Night Guard: You gain proficiency in Perception. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Okeanosian Origins

Okeanos is an unique, enchanting, but stagnant and unwelcoming land isolated with the rest of the world. You gain +1 to your choice of Intelligence or Charisma and proficiency in History.

  • Empire Aristocrats: You gain proficiency in Insight and one Gaming Set of your choice. You have advantage on Intimidation checks against non-hostile targets.
  • Foreign Subjects: You gain proficiency in Deception and Forgery Kit. You have advantage on Deception checks against inquiries to your identity and status.
  • Isle of Farse: You gain proficiency in Religion. Under construction.
  • Time-Lost Arcanist: You gain proficiency in Arcana. Whenever you subject another creature to a saving throw, the DC is increased by 1.
  • Enforcer of Tradition: You gain proficiency in Athletics. All non-magical physical damage you take is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.
  • Reconciliationist: You gain proficiency in Persuasion. Whenever you are healed, you may choose to transfer half of the healing you received to another creature within 30 ft.

Outlander Origins

Inhabitants of the desert of the Barrens despise the civility of the inlanders and take pride in their strength and ferocity. You gain +1 to your choice of Strength or Constitution, and proficiency in Survival.

  • Warring Clans: You gain proficiency in Athletics. Whenever you kill an enemy, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Constitution modifier.
  • Wall Raider: You gain proficiency in Acrobatics and Mason’s Tools. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Spawn of the Sea: You gain proficiency in Perception. You gain a swimming speed of 30 ft. You can hold your breath for 1 hour.
  • Sand Strider: You gain proficiency in Nature and Cobbler’s Tools. You have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion, and your speed cannot be reduced to below half. This does not allow movement when under effects that disable moving.
  • Brutal Showing: You gain proficiency in Intimidation. Your weapon attacks deal 1 extra damage to creatures below their hitpoint maximum.
  • Healer Apprentice: You gain proficiency in Medicine and Herbalism Kit. When you use a Healing Kit to stabilize a creature, you restore 1 hit points to that creature. If you use the action granted by the Healer feat, you restore an additional 1d6 hitpoints.

Under construction.

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