The Elder Wyrm

  • Demonym: of the Elder Wyrm
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Domains: Arcana, War, Redemption
  • Titles: Wingless Martyr; The Undeparted.
  • Holy Symbol: A draconic claw clenching a four-pointed star.

The dragons have long departed this world, together with them many ancient secrets that may never be uncovered again. The spirit of their last remaining vestige however still yet guards this land, known to its people as the last Elder Wyrm. His body feeble and old, but his mind strong as ever, as his duties are not yet finished, and there are still misguided souls abusing the gift of magic in malevolent ways. Perhaps there always will be, and that his sacrifice is an eternal one after all.

The Elder Wyrm is the last of the dragon kind, depicted as an elderly white dragon with broken wings, laying down in rest. As the patron god of dragonkin, he watches over those with draconic lineages and those that made sacrifices for the better good, as well as keeping an eye on those abusing the gift of magic. Followers of the Elder Wyrm adheres to the draconic dogma and ensures that magic is utilized in reasonable ways, and respects the sacrifices of others and will often be more inclined to sacrifice themselves.

Relationship with Other Deities

The Elder Wyrm and Oscerion are both deities whose creed involves the regulation of magic. Their beliefs are mostly in accord, with Oscerion more focused on guiding the good, and the Elder Wyrm more focused on punishing the evil. Followers of the two deities may disagree on their methods, but share the same goal ultimately.

Both faiths will thus tend to exercise caution with followers of Zelarch, the god of netheric arcane, and directly oppose the belief of Paimon, god of forbidden knowledge.

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