
  • Demonym: of Oune
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Domains: Freedom, Life, Peace.
  • Titles: All Muse.
  • Holy Symbol: A chipped halo of enlightenment.

Creatures of the land of Terre speaks different languages and values all things differently. But one thing speaks the same to all: the melodic and rhythmic notes of Oune, soothing the painful, comforting the stressful, and enticing the willful, and encouraging the mournful. Music is a language beyond language, and Oune is the muse of all muses, bringing freedom and joy to the mind of all.

Oune is depicted as a fair maiden surrounded by musical notes and symbols, holding various types of instruments, most commonly a lyre. She is the goddess of music and watches over bards and performers across the world. Followers of Oune are believers in the power of music and words, and will prefer to diplomatically resolve matters peacefully over with force.

Relationship with Other Deities

Music is universally enjoyed across Terre, thus Oune holds a cordial relationship with most other deities, in particular Caspor, patron god of halffolks, and Wondox, god of travellers. Gods who favor strength and warfare, including Strife and Shakari, may consider Oune’s blessing a sign of weakness, and look down upon her and her followers.

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