Warlock - Pact of the Accursed Blood

A horrible curse lurks within your blood, waiting patiently for the day you finally give in to its intoxicating power. Known to the world as only ‘The Crimson Curse’, this influence plagues men and beasts alike, warping the body and breaking the mind, turing them into blood-thirsty creatures knowing only destruction and primal fury.

You have contracted this curse, whether by misfortune, forced, or out of conscious pursuit of power, but no matter the motives, you have managed to quell the maddening influence of the Curse, establish a symbiosis, and keep your sanity for now. In return, it grants you fascinating power of blood, infusing it with eldritch magic beyond comprehension.

Make no mistake of finding comfort in this newfound power, however, as you are a monster, a freak of nature, rejected by society and morality. And whatever mistake you make, remember foundly to not give in to this parasitic power.

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Expanded Spell List

Your accursed blood lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

  • 1st: False Life, Inflict Wounds
  • 2nd: Alter Self, Wither and Bloom
  • 3rd: Bestow Curse, Revivify
  • 4th: Dominate Beast, Polymorph
  • 5th: Contagion, Dominate Person

Boiling Blood

When you take this pact at 1st level, your maximum hitpoint increases by 1. Whenever you gain a level in this subclass in the future, your maximum hitpoint increases by 1.

Gift of the Crimson Moon

At 1st level, you can draw power from your blood vessels, using your own vitality as mana in addition to your normal mana reserves. Whenever you cast a Warlock spell of 1st level or higher, you may choose to expend maximum hitpoints equal to five times the level of the spell, instead of a spell slot granted by your Pact Magic feature. You can only cast spells with this feature up to a spell level which you are capable of casting with your Pact Magic feature.

You regain all maximum hitpoints expended with this feature when you finish a long rest.

The maximum hitpoint reducing effect of this feature cannot be prevented and bypasses all effects that otherwise grant immunity to hitpoint maximum reductions.

Overflowing Vitality

Starting at 6th level, vigor overflows from within your cursed blood. While your current hitpoint is equal to your hitpoint maximum, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your attacks deal 1d6 additional necrotic damage.
  • Once per turn, whenever you take damage, reduce it by 1d6, to a minimum of 1.

Transient Infusion

Starting at 10th level, as you draw your blood to fuel your arcane fury, a residue of the curse lingers around you as a protective membrane. Whenever you lose hitpoints from expending maximum hitpoints with the Gift of the Crimson Moon feature, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to the hitpoints lost this way. These temporary hitpoints last until you finish a short or long rest.

Curse of the Accursed

Starting at 14th level, the Curse within you trembles with anticipation for new blood and flesh. As an action, you can bestow a lesser version of the Curse upon another creature, sharing a portion of your misfortune. The target must make a Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell save DC, unless it is a Beast or Monstrosity, for which the save automatically fails.

If the target fails the save, the curse weakens its body and mind. Until the next dawn, all its attributes other than Constitution are reduced by 4, to a minimum of 1. In addition, any other creature that damages the weakened target for the first time gains 4d6 temporary hitpoints that last until they finish a short or long rest.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

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