
Scan is a new bonus action option innate to each character, similar to actions like dash, disengage, and help. When a character uses the scan bonus action, they observe the enemy to identify their characteristics and abilities. The player chooses one ability from the list of abilities that the DM reveals, or an existing effect on the battlefield, and learns all or a part of the effects of that ability. Alternatively, the player chooses an attribute or stat of the enemy and learn it.

Applicable characteristics that can be identified with Scan includes:

  • One ability;
  • The creature’s attributes compared to yours;
  • Maximum hitpoints;
  • Armor class;
  • Movement speed;
  • Damage vulnerabilities;
  • Damage resistances and immunities;
  • Condition immunities;
  • Creature type;
  • Anything else to the DM’s discretion.

To support this, most encounters in Chronicles of Terre consist of custom creatures not found in published sources, and enemy abilities often contain extra information beyond the dice roll. Powerful monsters have multiple initiatives per round instead of legendary actions, and each initiative comes with skills and abilities unique to that initiative. Certain encounters have traits of various kinds to help give the players an expectation of the overarching theme of the encounter and what to expect from the enemies.


A few example of common traits are listed below. Traits can be specific to a single creature or apply to some or all creatures in an encounter. There are rare traits that are not listed and may be applied to encounters as the DM deems appropriate.

  • Deadly: This creature is capable of dealing more damage than a normal creature of the same level.
  • Ruthless: This creature is capable of deliberately targeting downed creatures and attempting to finish them off.
  • Cunning: This creature is intelligent. While controlling the creature, the DM uses their own intelligence and will not intentionally make mistakes.
  • Tactician: This creature is observant and punishing. Whenever an action or movement is declared, or whenever a turn is declared to end, it cannot be undone.
  • Lord: This creature can summon minions and possesses abilities to interact with them to a significant extent.
  • Combo: This creature have abilities that synergizes with each other, and can combine to greater effects.
  • Recovery: This creature have abilities that can recover hitpoints in large amounts.
  • Debilitator: This creature have abilites that weaken their enemy and relies heavily on debuffs in battle.

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