
  • Demonym: Strife
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Domains: Death, Forge, War
  • Titles: Arbiter of War; Smith of Conflict; Metallic Giant
  • Holy Symbol: A pair of clashing weapon

Some actions speak louder than words, and some violences are more efficient than diplomacies. Conflict is the tendency of humanity, brewing countless wars and clashes spanning different cultures and ages. While many abhor and denounce violence and the waging of war, those devoted to Lord Strife view them as simply one of the natural laws of the world, just like the cycle of life and death. The strong shall rule, and the weak shall obey, as after all, what is merit without the strength to enact them?

Strife is often depicted as a fully armored soldier, wielding dual hammers, standing before a curtain of swords. He is the guardian of soldiers, enforcers, and weaponsmiths. Followers of Strife believes that strength is the greatest virtue, and that conflict is a necessity for advancement. They do not blindly engage in violence however, but those that they deem beneficial and progressive.

Relationship with Other Deities

Followers of Strife are usually dismissive of beliefs who promote peace and oppose warfare, viewing them as cowards. This includes beliefs of Caspor, Oune, and Oscerion to a lesser degree.

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