Hollunberg Mountains

  • Controlled by: Untergebirgsreich
  • Capitol: Unterbergstadt
  • Official language: Dwarish
  • Inhabitant races: Dwarf
  • Population as of AC 1411: ~ 1,100,000
  • Approximate form of government: Meritocratic Elective Monarchy
  • Head of State: King Laurin Guttenberg

The Hollunberg mountains occupies the geographical center of Terre, between the borders of Verza and Maltross. While unassuming on the surface, giant metallic gates on the cliffsides lead into underground buildings and structures, housing an entire underground kingdom of dwarves, the oldest major settlement on Terre. Further beneath, unexplored tunnels and caverns house mysteries and unknown, waiting for explorers to light the darkness.

Undermountain Kingdom

Like the primitive tribes on the surface, during ancient times way prior to the Ascending and the Forgotten Empire, numerous dwarven clans underground beneath the Hollunberg mountains experienced a time of conflict and disagreement. However, the dwarven tendency for order and unity soon gathered them together under the name of Untergebirgsreich, Undermountain Kingdom in dwarven oldtongue. Throughout time the Kingdom has witnessed much, from the forging of the Shattered Gate, to the rebellion in the Tides of Steel, to the recent Awakening, and luckily they have mostly maintained their neutrality, lending a helping hand to those in need. The Corruption however is an enemy to all, and the master smiths spare no effort to forge equipments to help the frontline in any means available.

In current times, the Kingdom take pride in their excellence in smithing and forging. Ever since the Tides of Steel, dwarven smiths of the Kingdom have supplied firearms and ammunitions to all of Terre, barring perhaps the Provincial Empire of Okeanos, given that these are exactly the reason of their downfall.

The ancient clans persisted through time, inherited by blood and family, but the King of Untergebirgsreich is currently elected by merit and virtue, and the monarchy is more often than not respected by its subjects, as well as dwarves residing across Terre.


Behind the giant metallic gates, well-lit and decorated tunnels lead into a giant cavern, layered and structured, as the throne city of the dwarves, Unterbergstadt. The city is shaped like a funnel, each layer decreasing in size as the buildings descend into the earth. The upper layers are used for residential purposes, while the lower layers, more accessible to the minerals and the volcanic residues below, are used for more industrial purposes. Throughout history, the city has slowly expanded, with new layers being dug, and existing layers expanded outwards into the mountain depths. Various lava channels flow down from the upper levels down to the lower forge, serving as environmental light and also ceremonial focus.

Suspended in the middle of the top of the city is a floating castle, the Gleaming Throne of Untergebirgsreich and dwarven kind. Chained onto the ceiling and anchored on the upper layers of the city, the Throne houses the king and the administrative chambers of the Kingdom. A clear crystalline prism is embedded below the floating structure, forming a mechanism that reflects and amplifies the dim light coming from the forge of the Throne, illuminating the underground city during day time and dimming down at night, earning it its name.

The Tunnels Below

The constant expansion of Unterbergstadt and the excavation of resources buried deep underground will often lead to planned or unexpected incursions into the underground caverns. Some leads to buried ruins, some leads to ancient dangers, but all such incidents come with the excitement of the unknown.

The cavern systems are complex and intertwined, and the unprepared will easily be lost to the unknown darkness. Some of the tunnels lead deep into the earth, unexplored due to the depth, its secrets hidden from mortal kind. Ancient dwarven folklore tells of the deepest cavern, reaching the depth of the Nether realms, where slumbers the dwarven patron deity, Dolnar the Atlas Smith, waiting for the time when his services are required again.

Occasionally, those dwelling in the caverns will emerge from their long seclusion, in search of adventure, glory, light, or perhaps an answer. The drows, ancient outcasts of elvenkind, forms settlements in the cavern system beneath Terre. Little is known about them apart from their existence, as even the most talkative and social of drows mostly refrain from talking about their villages and settlements.

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