
  • Demonym: of Strange
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Domains: Balance, Luck, Order
  • Titles: Grand Weaver; The Clairvoyant.
  • Holy Symbol: An hourglass half-finished.

Leaves falling, water flowing, people living and passing, all guided and directed by the mysterious force known as fate, propelled by the passage of time. But what do mortals have control over the prowess of time and fate? So they turn to the sky, beseeching the boon and protection of Strange. Sitting on his throne in the endless void, Strange watches silently over the mortal realm, its every single tick of the clock, every single action and their consequences, threading and weaving the fabrics with the tip of his fingers. What fate shall come from the shadows of this mysterious deity? Only time will tell.

Strange is indeed a strange figure, even among the deities. Many devote a part of their faith to him, but rarely will one worship him and receive his blessings, as time and fate is a part of everything but never the entirety of anything. He watches over everyone with disinterest and detachment, for reasons and matters beyond mortal comprehension.

Fortune Telling

Many followers of Strange are fortune tellers, driven by their faith. If one encounter such a fellow, whether in fairs or the wilderness, do not be alarmed by their exotic appearance and offering of such services, but be careful to tempt with fate, as whatever readings one receive, more often than not tend to come true one day or another.

Relationship with Other Deities

Strange, as the god of fate, have seldomly exerted his influence in anything, and does not associate with any other deity in any extent. Followers of Strange tend to exercise this neutrality.

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