
  • Demonym: Prosperian
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Domains: Luck, Order, Trickery
  • Titles: The Collector; Capricious Charity.
  • Holy Symbol: A weighing scale.

Each piece of history teaches a different lesson to the world, and the rise of the Perani Trading Corporation under the guidance of Prospero will surely tell a story of the power of wealth and fortune. It may be true that money is not everything, but is there anything that wealth cannot bring you? For whichever side the coin lands on, it is still in your hand. Altruism and charity, egoism and greed, the two sides stems from the same purpose and will achieve the same result, that the individual may be benefited from their actions after all.

Prospero is portrayed as an opulent - and rather obese - man in golden clothing, with coins all around him. He is the god of coins and greed, watching over merchants and gamblers. He is held with high respect in the region of Peran. Followers of Prospero believes in the power of wealth and would prefer material resourcefulness over other forms of prowesses. Quite interestingly this makes them lean towards diplomacy and pacifism, unless the road to wealth and fortune is blocked by brute force.

Relationship with Other Deities

Unusual for a deity, Prospero is more interested in his relationship with mortals than that with other deities. There are few people who would reject the temptation of the coin.

Followers of deities whose creed involves selflessness or asceticism, for example the Elder Wyrm or Wondox may be less cordial to Prospero’s ideals.

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