
  • Demonym: Wondoxi
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Domains: Freedom, Trickery, Twilight.
  • Titles: Lone Traveller; The Wanderer.
  • Holy Symbol: A map scroll.

Those that frequent the roads of Terre for various reasons all tell a similar story: A lone fellow traveller approaching them at the campfire, bringing stories, gifts, and blessings to the journey ahead. They leave no trace or no name behind, the only sign being their holy symbol, signifying them as a priest of Wondox, the Lone Traveller. Such is the blessings of Wondox, a god of travellers, who sees to safe travels and pleasant journeys. The next time you are approached at the campfire, be sure to welcome them kindly, as perhaps you are graced with a Wondoxi priest, or even the Lone Traveller himself.

Wondox is the god of travellers, and watches over all that walks the roads of Terre. It is rumored that Wondox remains anoynomous by taking the guise of his followers, which may be the reason that he is worshipped but seldomly described, as none have been visited in the name of Wondox himself, only in that of his followers.

Relationship with Other Deities

While Wondox is cordial with most deities, his belief is at odd with that of Mizu’karas, goddess of tempest and the sea, who out of her own pleasure would often raise storms and tides to add hazard to naval travellers.

Among the deities, Wondox is in particular aligned with Caspor, god of halffolks and homes, and Oune, goddess of music.

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