
Everyone has an artist living inside of them, if not now, at some point in their life prior. I am no different to this statement. Some choose to draw and doodle, some resort to music, some would prefer more unconventional forms of artistic expressions, and some would recognize the reality and give up. I once thought I would give up, and focus on academic research like most graduate students thinking about going into the academia. But then I decided to tell a story of mine.

This began some seven to eight years ago, as a teenager, daydreaming about things in school. I wrote a novel - fanfiction to be exact, to something I cannot reveal exactly, and over the following years many similar failed experiments spawned from my original idea. Fortunately these experiments are not for naught, for iteration after iteration the world within the lines became more and more refined, more and more fleshed out, until the fateful day that I thought to myself: I should write this out as a DnD setting. And I did. And here we are.

I wish to tell a story on many things. On technology and tradition, on society and conflict, on knowledge and the unknown, on religion and self-belief. But I’m not the best writer there is, and I may never be, so all I can do is to do my best, and hope it is enough to bring joy to someone else.

But then again, writing all of this out has been a fantastic experience for me. The lack of time, literature training, and creative capacity has frustrated me as a novel writer all the years prior, so witnessing all the thoughts in my head for seven years slowly fly out, dance on the keyboard, and become digital reality, something that I can show to others and tell them: this is what I made, and this is what I’m proud of, really is the best feeling ever.

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