Barbarian - Path of the Scarseeker

The Path of the Scarseeker was remade on 03/25/2024. To view the legacy version, see Scarseeker (Old).

While the blinding rage of most barbarians numbs the pain from assaults on the body, some tune their senses to feel exquisite pain tenfold. This masochistic path is known as that of the Scarseeker, who fuels their rage with the wounds they receive, to tear enemies open and paint the world crimson with blood.

Power from Pain

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you open yourself to be vulnerable. Rage no longer grants you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

However, the pain you feel fuels your rage more. While you are raging and not wearing heavy armor, you gain a bonus to the damage rolls of melee weapon attacks using strength equal to half of the largest amount of damage you have taken since the end of your last turn.

Dangerous Bravado

Starting at 3rd level, you can channel the injuries of your allies onto yourself instead. Whenever an ally within 10 ft of you takes damage while you are raging, you can grant them resistance to that instance of damage as a reaction. If you do so, you take the same amount of damage.

Rapid Recovery

Starting at 6th level, your body has grown accustomed to injuries and scars, and your wounds close with lightning speed. Whenever you finish a short rest, you regain hitpoints equal to twice your barbarian level.

On Death’s Door

Starting at 10th level, the edge of death entices your fury to greater heights. While your current hitpoints is above half of your maximum hitpoints, attacks against you have -1 to critical range. While your current hitpoints is at or below half of your maximum hitpoints, your melee weapon attacks with strength have -1 to critical range.

Pain Attunement

Starting at 14th level, you sharpen your senses to feel exquisite pain, flooding out the temptation of death and cowardice. While you are raging, you are immune to being charmed and frightened. Additionally, you add your wisdom modifier to your constitution saving throws, and your constitution modifier to your wisdom saving throws.

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