
Chronicles of Terre has a list of curated homebrew subclasses, as presented below.

At the moment, most subclasses are only designed upto 12th level.

Barbarian Subclasses

  • Scarseeker : A primal path that seeks out pain, taking and inflicting it with greater efficacy.

Bard Subclasses

  • Jest : A college for jesters, who knows best the power of humor and satire, and mocks the enemy to cripple their mind and will.

Cleric Subclasses

  • Balance : A domain that seeks to upkeep the balance of natural forces.
  • Chaos : A domain that thrives in the chaotic nature of the world, gambling with fate and madness.
  • Freedom : A domain that believes in freedom as the greatest fortune, and seeks to counter all that controls the fate of others.
  • Luck : A domain that plays with chances and can often times rely on inexplicable luck to bail them out of unfortunate situations.
  • Redemption : A domain that sees the good in people and would protect those who look towards the light with sacrifices.
  • Tyranny : A domain that believes in the total authoritarian power of strength, ruling and commanding the weak with iron fists.

Druid Subclasses

  • Sacrifice : A circle of Yharnic druids and shamans that uses rituals and blood sacrifices to manipulate life and death to their will, a practice justified by survival instead of morality.
  • Storm : A circle of druids dedicated to storm, tempest, and ocean, and uses thunder and lightning to smite defilers of the sea.

Fighter Subclasses

  • Battle Herald : An architype that leads and inspires companions with their valor and fortitude.
  • Juggernaut : An architype that specializes in defense, bulwarking as an impenetrable fortress on the battlefield.
  • Magebane : An architype that seeks out and counters mages and casters, specialized in standing against their spells.
  • Sulphuric Militant : An architype that terrorizes the battlefield with short-range firearms, culling the weak and punishing fear.

Monk Subclasses

  • Night Avatars : A tradition for animalistic brawlers and worshippers of Xbeltz’aloc, learning from the ferocious beasts and embodying the jungle as they fight.

Paladin Subclasses

  • Tradition : An oath that preaches the virtues of magic and denounces technology, imbuing allies with arcane power and protection from mundane weaponry.

Ranger Subclasses

  • Arcane Warden : An architype adopted by wardens of Verzae Legion that uses technology and alchemy to trace down and counter those who abuse the arcane.

Rogue Subclasses

  • Gregorian : An architype that view faith and belief as a tool to their own advantage, and can freely allocate their devotion to deities.
  • Gunslinger : An architype that dances with danger on the battlefield, fighting with sword and pistol, weaving in and out of the frontline.
  • Ninja : An architype that specializes in throwing daggers and darts with a quick hand.

Sorcerer Subclasses

  • Leyline Legacy : An origin that inherits the power of nature, wielding druidic as well as sorceric power.
  • Starborne : An origin from the astral sky and the celestial bodies, drawing power from the moon, the stars, and the void.

Warlock Subclasses

  • Accursed Blood : A pact to a horrible curse that mutilates the flesh and the mind, granting you power of blood magic, in exchange for your eventual descent into primal bloodthirsty madness.
  • Lunar : A pact to a patron that is a manifestation of the moon, granting their followers the blessing and protection of the cold night.

Wizard Subclasses

  • Siege : A tradition for practical soldiers, launching sharpened steel at high velocity to tear through the enemy like a siege engine.
  • Spellslinger : A tradition for unconventional mages, using firearms and bullets as conduits for their arcane energy.

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