Firearm Rules

Chronicles of Terre uses a custom set of firearm rules, different from the optional firearm rules found in DMG. Basic firearms are considered ranged martial weapons, does not reload or misfire, uses multiple small damage dice but does not benefit from ability score bonus.

Firearm Backgrounds

By AC 1411, firearms have been introduced to Terre for more than 450 years. As a powerful weapon even in the hands of the untrained, firearms played a large role in the downfall of Forgotten Empire in the Tides of Steel. Despite this, most firearms within the hands of peasants or everyday adventurers are still rather primitive. More intricate firearms, whether due to mechanism or magic, are expensive and hard to come by.

Most basic firearms are from the hands of either dwarven smiths in Untergebirgsreich, or magecrafters of Perani Trading Corporation. Over time after the Tides of Steel, technological advances in Peran solved many unwieldy aspects of early-day firearms, drastically decreasing the need to frequently reload and the probability of a mechanism failure.

While many prefer the high firepower of firearms, skilled hunters and sharpshooters still prefer their mastery over bows and arrows. However, many are slowly turning their preference towards more refined firearms, including exotic ones from the magecrafters in Peran that can even be powered by magical energy instead of steel and sulphur.


Firearms are more common in Chronicles of Terre than in Forgotten Realms. Simple firearms are considered ranged martial weapons, which any character with such proficiency can use effectively. Exotic firearms however requires more advanced training to handle, and only character with firearm proficiency can effectively wield them.

Additionally, Bards and Rogues are proficient with flintlock pistols. Certain magical firearms can be proficiently wielded by mages attuned to them.

Damage Dice & Bonus

Firearms are simple to wield and powerful, but in the hands of a skilled individual are often not as effective as bows and arrows.

The damage dice of firearms are often larger amounts of smaller dice, which will raise the overall expected damage, but are less likely to high roll.

Additionally, damages of firearm attacks does not benefit from ability score bonuses inherently, unless specified otherwise. There are certain subclasses and feats that allow characters to benefit from their ability score bonus, such as Sulphric Militant fighter, Arcane Warden ranger, or the Firearm Specialist feat.


  • Ammunition: Firearms uses bullets for ammunition unless specified, and typically have less range than bows. Most firearm ammunitions are destroyed on use. Some firearms can use specific resources as ammunition.
  • Two-Handed: Firearms with the two-handed property requires two hand to use. This property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when you simply hold it.
  • Light: A light firearm is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when fighting with two weapons, in the hands of individuals trained in offhand firearms.
  • Heavy: Ceratures that are Small or Tiny have disadvantage on attack rolls with heavy weapons. A heavy weapon’s size and bulk make it too large for a Small or Tiny creature to use effectively.
  • Point-Blank: Firearms with the Point-Blank property can ignore disadvantage when attacking a target in melee range.

Basic Firearms

Below is a list of standard issue basic firearms, available from most sources.

Item Cost Weight Damage Properties
Pistol 60 gp 2 lb 2d4 pier Ammo (30/90), light
Musket 120 gp 8 lb 2d6 pier Ammo (90/270), heavy, 2H
Shotgun 120 gp 6 lb 4d4 blud Ammo (15/30), 2H, PB

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