In Chronicles of Terre, the scope of the Cosmology is very limited, unlike in the Forgotten Realms. The only dimensional planes known to exist are:
- The continent of Terre, as the material plane, where most of the stories of Chronicles of Terre will take place;
- The Nether, mainly used as a background piece, where fiends of the setting resides in, and where tieflings ascended from;
- The Astral Sea, mysterious conglomerations of the outer planes and outer space that people know very little about;
- The Dream Realm, a recently discovered alternate reality that appears to be a mirrored version of the material plane, and have various mysterious connections to the druidic leylines, the Cosmic creatures, and the Iris Corruption.
Interplanar travels are extremely rare, usually only via specific routes and portals: Terre and the Nether was once connected via the Shattered Gate, which has since ceased function, replaced by various schisms and breaches of fiendish energy that occasionally appear out of thin air; The Dream Realm are tied to Terre via the underground leylines, but to traverse and transport oneself into the mirrored world is difficult, and rumored to require specific powers. Traditional spells in other settings that allow interplanar travel do not exist in Chronicles of Terre.
There are mysterious entities that lurks in the Dream Realm that no one understands fully, except that they appears eldritch, malign, rapidly approaching, and utterly incomprehensible. These Cosmic entities exhibits unusual interest in the adventurers of Terre, and seeks to be entertained by their struggles; the equally mysterious proprietor of Ataraxia claims to know and watch for these Cosmic entities, but her true motives are not easily gauged as well.
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