
  • Demonym: Flaurian
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Domains: Chaos, Luck, Tyranny.
  • Titles: Mad Prince.
  • Holy Symbol: A dark metallic crown of thorns.

Many of the heroes of Terre are made by chance, whether by their luck of finding power, or of finding opportunities. But many have also lost so much to misfortune, be it dire circumstances or untimely malfunctions. People attribute the cruelty of chance to the god Flauros, a maddening avatar of chaos and entropy, toying the mortals seeking to bargain with chance with grim mockery and crushing reality. But no matter the outcome of such bargain, such mortals have already fallen into the grasp of Flauros, as they must be insane enough to play with chance in the first place.

Flauros is portrayed as a fiendish figure, often times a tiefling, in royal capes and apparel, wearing a crown of thorns, holding a chalice of blood. He is the god of chance and madness. He embodies the chaos that weaves the very fabric of reality, which sends gamblers, whether by choice or by chance, into the deepest layer of the mind that they can never escape from. Followers of Flauros are perhaps the greatest gamblers themselves, tricking and toying others with the temptations of chance, with the power of the maddest god of all.

Relationship with Other Deities

As the god of madness, Flauros is almost indiscriminately hostile to all other deities, even including other fiendish deities like Goetia and Paimon. In particular, druidic deities including Furion and Faevan who focuses on the balance of the world opposes Flauros to a greater extent.

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