Wizard - Spellslingers

Despite a plethora of spellcasters utilizing magecrafted firearms to enhance their fire power, some others prefer good old-fashioned gunslinging, using their trusty steel and sulphur to guide their arcane energies.

Firearm Training

When you choose the arcane tradition at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in firearms.

Conduit Ammunitions

Starting at 2nd level, you devise a special arcane circuit, which you can engrave on a firearm to aid you in spellcasting. The engraving process takes 8 hours, and must be done on each firearm individually.

The engraving enchants ammunitions fired by the firearm into conduits for your arcane prowess. Whenever you use the Attack action to attack with an engraved firearm and hits, you can cast an eligible spell as a bonus action on the same target, even if the spell normally requires an action. To be eligible, a spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell’s current level. For example, magic missile and scorching ray aren’t eligible, but ray of frost and chromatic orb are.

Far Projection

Starting at 6th level, attacking at long range does not impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls. Additionally, spells casted with the Conduit Ammunitions feature ignores range restrictions.

Arcane Guidance

Starting at 10th level, you learn to enchant your shots to self-correct onto their target. When you make an ranged weapon attack roll with an engraved firearm, you may expend a spell slot to roll an additional d20, and choose which one to use. You may do this before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.

For each level of the expended spell slot above 1st, the attack deals an additional 1d8 force damage.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest to do so again.

Disrupting Conduit

Starting at 14th level, creatures hit by your ranged weapon attacks with an engraved firearm has disadvantage on the next saving throw against your spells until the end of your next round.

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