
  • Demonym: Sylphan
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Freedom, Light, Trickery
  • Titles: Fairy of the Wind; The Mischievous; Astral Travellers.
  • Holy Symbol: A flute made of golden strings.


  • Demonym: Faevan
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Freedom, Life, Nature
  • Titles: Hermit of the Woods; The Tenacious; Astral Travellers.
  • Holy Symbol: A leaf whistle.

When Terre is still a young and untainted land, a twin of stars fell from the Astral Sky and blessed the land with their grace. These stars, one trickful and mischievous, one kind and tenacious, circles each other like siblings yet distinct like the sky and the land, and from their intertwined trails of stardust the first elves are born.

As time passes, the twins distant from each other, and eventually abandoned their children in the mortal realm, ascending to the Astral Sky once more, journeying to other worlds unknown. But every now and then, when the mortal elves seeks guidance from their ancestors, they look up to the Astral Sky and pray that their prayers can be heard from somewhere in perhaps another world.

The Astral Travellers, Sylph and Faevan, are twin patron gods of the elves. Sylph, the Mischievous One, often depicted as an high elf with fairy-like wings and winds surrounding her steps, watches over the high elves. Faevan, the Tenacious One, depicted an a wood elf holding a staff with blooming flowers on top, and spreading seeds from his pouch, guards the wood elves. It is rumored that the capitol city of Verza and of the wood-elves, Viridian Grove, is a fairy oak planted by the hands of Faevan himself, while most tales of Sylph has been lost to history and the scarsity of high elves. Followers of Sylph embraces the crafty nature of the elven goddess and takes delight in the ignorance of others, while followers of Faevan are more honest and frank to their god, others, and themselves. Regardless of which one of the twins they lean to, their followers hold the same religious respect to their origins, be it the land they walk, or the Astral Sky they are from.

Relationship with Other Deities

The twin Astral Travellers, while sharing the same origin, are on many aspects direct opposites of each other, so their followers while reserving respect to each other, often tend to disagree on many issues. Most notably, while Faevan is a druidic deity, Sylph - as well as the high elves - often tend towards netheric arcane practices.

Other than between themselves, Sylph’s presence on Terre is rare due to the scarsity of high elves, and Faevan shares a stance with other druidic deities, notably Furion.

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