
  • Demonym: Astartite
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Domains: Freedom, Twilight, War
  • Titles: Flaring Star; Primordial Lust; Mistress of Oath
  • Holy Symbol: Rings encompassing a celestial nebula of stars.

Wealth, power, fame, the desires of humanity knows no bound, but the most primordial of them is the desire to love, to be loved. There are many who seeks love, and many more who will not know love: It is indeed such a fickle thing. The goddess Astarte is one who witnesses the concept, which by that alone gives her dominion over many things: The war waged under the name of love, the eternal oaths made under the witness of the starlit night sky, and perhaps most important of all, the freedom to love and to be loved, to follow one’s heart at self will, the greatest freedom of all.

Astarte is depicted as a fair lady with constellations sketched over her long hair. She watches over all lovers and love-seekers under the Astral Sky, as well as all things done in the name of love. By extension, the sacred oaths made, whether for love or for other means, is administered by her authority. Followers of Astarte are romantics, guides of lovers, supervisors of the making and breaking of oaths.

Astarte also domains over fertility, granting her major role in both marriage and agriculture. Empire of Astartia, a heavily agricultural region of Terre, thus rever Astarte as the prime deity.

Relationship with Other Deities

Astarte, despite being evil-aligned, together embody progress of humanity with Gloria. While Gloria represents collective justice and order, Astarte represents individual desire and selfishness, both vital driving forces in history and society.

Astarte and Mizu’karas hold dominion over the land and sea of Empire of Astartia respectively, and thus often cooperate despite the occasional fight for power, leading to an ambivalent relationship between their followers.

Of the celestial deities, Astarte does not associate much with Fass and Vome and remains a neutral bystander over their eternal battle. If at all, followers of Fass and Vome would rather trust Astartite followers over the other side.

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