
  • Demonym: Furian
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Domains: Balance, Life, Nature
  • Titles: Will of the Land; The World Gardener; The Druidfather.
  • Holy Symbol: A chalice overgrown by vines.

In the beginning, Terre is a barren land, void of life and meaning. Then the land awakened, acquired a will of its own, and enacted it upon the world. Thus walks Furion, Will of the Land itself, who roams Terre, spreading the seed of life. His waving hand caressed the land as the wind, his footsteps left behind forests and jungles, his staff drew the leylines of Terre and irrigated it with his power, the land’s power. All druids of Terre inherits their power from the legacy of Furion, the World Gardener, the Druidfather.

Furion appears in depiction in various animal forms, but in his humanoid form he is described as a man with barky skin and antlers, wearing capes made of leaves and a full-height twig as his staff. He is the god of nature, of the land of Terre itself, and gifts all druidic practitioners a fragment of his power. Followers of Furion seeks balance upon the land, and are responsible of mending the leylines of the tears and incursions by either the arcane torrents or the enemies of nature.

Relationship with Other Deities

As a druidic deity, Furion allies with Faevan, the wood elven druidic god, and is cautious of Zelarch, who the druidic society of Terre considers an invader together with his creation, the netheric arcane.

While Furion holds dominion over the land of Terre, Mizu’karas domains over its oceanic expanse as the goddess of tide and tempest. While the whimsical nature of Mizu’karas can lead to conflicts, Furion and her largely operate in independence.

Furian belief directly opposes that of Goetia and Flauros, both destructive deities of fiendish origin, who aim to conquer the world and destroy its balance.

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