Fighter - Battle Herald

Even the clashes and screams on the battlefield cannot drown out your inspiring presence as a herald of battle. You know best how to inspire and motivate your companions within the chaos, rallying, commanding, and invigorating them, fueling their purpose.

Rallying Cry

At 3rd level, you learn how to inspire your allies to fight on past their injuries. When you use your Second Wind class feature, all allies that can see or hear you within 60 feet heal an equal amount of hit points that you healed.

Expanded Tactics

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn other methods to deal with conflict. You gain proficiency with Persuasion and Performance.

Vigorous Warrior

At 7th level, you gain an additional use of your Second Wind class feature. You gain additional uses at 10th and 15th level as well.

Inspiring Surge

Starting at 10th level, when you use your Action Surge class feature, you can choose a number of allies equal to your Intelligence modifier within 60 feet of you. They can make one melee or ranged weapon attack with their reaction, provided that they can see or hear you.

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