
While Terre is quite a diverse land in a largely medieval world setting, it is quite different in many aspects to the Forgotten Realms setting and others, one major aspect is the demography and races that exists within. Following are the major differences in racial and demographic profile.

Some of the races may be unlisted due to lore reasons or simply non-significance. Consult with your DM if you would like to play as any unconventional race!


Most dwarves reside within the Hollunberg Mountains, in Untergebirgsreich. Some of them wander off towards other parts of the world, and are welcomed for their excellent smithing tools and orderly nature.


Elves are quite rare in the continent of Terre. Wood elves still maintain considerable numbers, forming the major population of the Verzae Legion, and aligning themselves with nature and the land. Their high elven counterparts however are exceptionally rare, to the point that most may live their entire life without meeting one. Most elves live up to 250 years, a shorter lifespan than in other setting. Wood elves and high elves are not in accord, holding different beliefs, in particular over the Netheric arcane.

Drow Elves

Drow elves are creatures of tall tales and bedtime stories often, but thare are a few of those who have seen them walk the lands of Terre. As ancient outcasts of the elven races, drow elves resides within deep underground cavern systems, each community forming its own secluded cultural group, with little to no interactions with the outside world or other communities of drows. The very few that wanders Terre are often cynical in nature, seldomly putting trust in others, and much prefers dark practices sometimes frowned upon.


Tieflings used to be the ruler of Terre, but have since fallen from grace. While never the most populous race, during times of the Forgotten Empire they held power over others, as the founding and the aristocratic race of the Empire. After the fall of the Empire during the Tides of Steel, most aristocratic tieflings isolate themselves from the rest of Terre in the region of Okeanos, a former province of the Forgotten Empire with almost no foreign races. Tieflings more accustomed with the existense of others live in various places across the land, trying their best to correct what their ancestors have done. Tieflings are traditionally more attuned to Netheric arcane energies, tending to become casters of this kind, especially within Okeanos.

Halffolks: Gnomes and Halflings

The two good-minded and hospitable races formed close-knit communities together since the start of history. While not numerous, they dwell in the Mounds along the border between Maltross and Albion’s March, or travel the roads between cities. They are welcomed across all places, just like they welcomed everyone around their bonfires.

Plane-touched: Aasimars and Genases

Aasimars and genases in Terre bear marks of their patron, often taking the form of ghastly visages or tattoo-like elemental circuits, that are most visible when they use their powers. Plane-touched can take the physical characteristics of any race, depending on their lineage, so they are scattered around Terre, often times hiding themselves from the world.

Skinwalkers: Aarakocras, Lizardfolks, Tabaxi, etc.

Skinwalkers, a collective name for races with beast-like features, do not often wander the civilizations of Terre. Most of them resides in the jungles of Yharn, using their survival instincts to their full advantage, and those with interests and curiosity of the outside world often end up in nomadic caravans roaming Maltross. Many would consider their features and mannerism feral and uncivilized, a stereotype they suffer together with the outlander races.


As distant descendants of true dragons, dragonborns wander the land in low numbers, often met with curiosity and sometimes fear. The ancient dragons have long departed this world, leaving behind unpure bloodlines shared by dragonborns and other draconic creatures. The dragonborns themselves thus often wonder and aspire, to follow the footsteps of their ancestors and ascend to the stars as well.

Outlanders: Orcs, Goblinoids, Kobolds, etc.

The Barrens are not pleasant to live in, and those residing in those parts are forged by the harsh environments. After the construction of the High Walls, many of the more temperate and civilized outlanders settled down for the nomadic lives of Maltross, while others continue their lives in the Barrens, fending off the Corruption together with the unhospitability of the land. While outlanders seldomly wander far from their homelands, some orcs are met with relative respect, or at least non-hostility, for their valor in fighting the Corruption.

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