
  • Controlled by: Perani Trading Corporation
  • Capitol: Barohaven
  • Official language: Infernal common
  • Common languages: Goblin
  • Inhabitant races: Various
  • Population as of AC 1411: ~ 9,270,000
  • Demonym: Perani
  • Approximate form of government: Plutocratic Oligarchy
  • Head of State: Board of Directors

A once bountyful land, now squeezed dry by the greed of society, Peran is now under the golden rule of a large corporation with power comparable to that of any other political entity. The Perani Trading Corporation focuses and utilizes the monetary prowess over the minds of men, establishing routes with most, if not all, other regions for trading, and perhaps a more peaceful and civilized form of conquering.

The Dying Land

To the west of Clearwater Gulf there used to be a forest not unlike that of southern Verza. Then the Tides of Steel came and with it the Perani Trading Corporation, tapping the land out of its potential, its resources, and its life altogether. This excessive exploitation turns Peran into the wasteland it is today, and with that a unique society built on coin and greed.

Current day Peran is wasted and intoxicated by said resource mining. Nature has long died, leaving behind only the petrified remains of trees and calcified bones bleached by the radiating sun. Brass machineries lay abandoned on the ground, overtaken by decay and sinking into the soil, as if a part of the wasted nature here. Small animals, sometimes mutated and crazed by the toxins, inhabit underground tunnels and brass pipes, being the major source of food for those rejecting or rejected by the Corporate greed.

The Trading Corporation

There are those that believes in the power of magic, those that trust the loyalty of steel, and those that put faith in the deities that watches over mortal kind. And then there are those that believes in nothing but gold. Many of these likeminded individuals gathered themselves together under the same flag of first a union, then a organization, and now a interregional trading corporation operating based in the region of Peran.

While originally under the rule of the Forgotten Empire like most other lands in western Terre, Peran was bought out by the Trading Corporation with the wealth they accrued during the Tides of Steel. The Corporation’s influence since then only grows, extending economic and diplomatic relationships to as far as Bladefall and Mecatl, perhaps even Okeanos - if not for the Okeanosian’s renowned hatred for foreigners and technology. Both imports and exports are needed for the Corporation to operate, especially agricultural imports from the neighboring Kingdom of Astartia, given that the wastelands are uninhabitable to most, let alone suitable for planting and grazing.

A unique society with vastly different values spawned from the monetary focus of the Corporation. The citizens of Peran are almost without exception shrewd and cunning businessmen, acting only in accordance to their own interests. Although this accordance may render someone kind and amiable to you on the surface, mistake not that what they value is not you, but the value that you can bring to them, for whenever you run out of such utility to them, only the stereotypical ruthlessness and apathy is left. While hard work and honesty can go a long way in the other parts of Terre, such naivety will quickly help your enemies to use you as their stepping stone.

Technological Giant

While Okeanosians tend to be technophobic and perhaps paranoid, Perans value technological advancements above martial and magical prowess. In the years following the Tides of Steel, The Corporation and its craftsmen mastered and refined the art of gunsmithing, reinventing many systems within dwarven firearm designs, making these weapons not only easier to use, but also more deadly in the hands of the right killer, appealing to even trained individuals who would normally prefer archery.

The natural course of discovery will then lead to the best of two, perhaps many worlds. Experimenters added magics and arcanes to the formula, resulting in magnificent magecrafts, using mana instead of traditional material components in the crafting of weapons, armors, and firearms, enabling a brand new archetype of mages wielding unconventional gunstaffs and similar mana-driven weaponeries.

Brass Heaven

The capitol, the base of operation of the Perani Trading Corporation, Barohaven is a city of brass built on the shore of the Jewel of Terre, across from the Ivory Capitol of the Divine Glorian Empire, Crestwatch. Between the two cities, naval and airborne ships sail with high frequency, transporting goods to and from each other.

Barohaven itself is, as the name ‘Brass Heaven’ suggests, a tight and suffocating city built with skyscraping structures made of brass, blocking out the sun with their enormous size. The few fortunate enough to be held with high respect within Perani society can catch a glimpse of the sun on the top floors of these skyscrapers, but the lower classes are often times better off living and dying in the wasted, toxic wilds, than crawling and brawling in the lowest streets of Barohaven for their sliver of chance of living a better life than what wage-slavery would be an understatement.

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