
  • Demonym: Glorian
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Domains: Light, Order, War
  • Titles: First of the Light; Torchbearer; Blind Justicar
  • Holy Symbol: A radiant burning torch.

Order, justice, valor, such are the foundations of society. The Goddess of the Light, Gloria, safeguards over these values atop the Crest of Terre, bearing the radiant torch against the darkness within humanity. Her unshaking and unfaltering will inspires all that believes in and serves the light, for as long as there is justice, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is a future.

Gloria is often depicted as a blindfolded young woman bearing a lit torch above her head. She leads and inspires those that seek to bring order and justice to the world. Followers of Gloria, often times in service to the Church of Gloria in the Divine Glorian Empire, stand against evildoers and those in service to the dark gods, spreading the light of justice in her name.

Divine Glorian Empire

Gloria is the prime deity of Divine Glorian Empire.

Relationship with Other Deities

Gloria is the embodiment of good and justice and thus stands against all forms of evil. Astarte, despite being an evil-aligned deity, is however somewhat in accord with Gloria, due to her representing the selfishness of humanity, an equally powerful driving force of progress compared to collective justice which Gloria represents.

Certain Glorian worshippers within some sects of the Church of Gloria are more fanatical than others, and will often brand all non-Glorian worship as heretical practices.

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