Bladefall & the High Wall

  • Controlled by: The Independent City of Bladefall
  • Official language: Infernal Common
  • Common languages: Various
  • Inhabitant races: Various
  • Population as of AC 1411: ~ 50,000
  • Approximate form of government: Meritocratic autocracy
  • Head of State: The Guardian

Bladefall has fallen, now deep within Iris territory. May we reclaim these lands before it is too late.

On the eastern most side of civilized Terre, bordering Verza, Maltross, The Barrens, and the Lost Lands, is a high wall spanning the entire intersection of these regions, defending Terre from the invasions of outland raiders and Corrupted enemies alike. Along the wall, like a jewel crowning the tiara, is the frontier bastion of Bladefall, where the roads converge and adventures spawn.

The High Wall of Bladefall

The High Wall of Bladefall is a defensive structure spanning from north to south across the middle of Terre, to protect the civilized world from the Corruption in the Lost Lands, and sometimes the feral dangers of the Barrens.

Constructed with Corruption-resistant materials like obsidian and blessed steel, the Wall stands at a height of about 120 ft, and a varying width of about 20 to 75 ft. Soldiers of Bladefall patrol the wall day and night on watch for invading or wandering forces of the Corruption, destroying and eliminating weaker ones on sight, and keeping the stronger enemies at bay until reinforcements arrive. The northern part of the Wall may sometimes see more amiable but no less savage folks from the Barrens, raiding along the wall for supplies or treasure or simply glory. When diplomacy fails, conflicts are also present, albeit with less stakes at hand.

Practitioners of Siege Wizardry are often stationed on the high wall, raining down projectiles with power comparable to that of mechanical siege engines.

Although a central hub for the world, Bladefall’s architecture is not the design’s main focus, leaning towards pragmatism instead of aestheticism. After all, it has been only a relatively short time since the founding of the city, which lacks the culture and history to form a unique architectual style.

The City of Bladefall

Bladefall is an independent city-state with the sheer purpose of serving as the bastion against the Corruption. It is located at the eastmost point of the High Wall. Terre’s most elite soldiers and war mages are summoned to fight off the corruption, and adventurers from all over the continent converges here to seek glory and fortune. Fighting the Corruption is no stroll in the park however, and many perish without return.

The city walls of Bladefall forms an arc to the west of the eastmost section of bladefall, together with that section of the High Wall encompasses the city of Bladefall. The city itself is divided into four quarters by two main streets spanning Bladefall diagonally, connecting to two gates that lead out to Maltross in the northwest and Verza in the southwest respectively. The northern and southern quarters are for general use, including residences, workshops, markets, and entertainment. The eastern military quarter is smaller but heavily fortified, with the High Wall as the first line of defense, followed by barracks and other fortifications. The western quarter is an inner hold reinforced with additional city walls, and houses political and administrative functions for not only Bladefall, but various other organizations across Terre. Among the structures of the inner hold is the Guardian’s Spire, towering above most buildings in Bladefall, but still only marginally higher than the city walls, being the residence and office of the Guardian of Bladefall, watching over the Iris Mist in the east.

The intersection between the two diagonal main roads is a large plaza named the Central Field of Bladefall. The Field hosts various ceremonial as well as public events, such as celebrations of major holidays, or adventurer’s markets. Most of the political entities set their embassies around the Field. In the center of the Field stands a life-like statue of the Old Guardian, facing east towards the Iris Mist on the horizon.

The Guardian of Bladefall

While Bladefall is largely independent from the interference of mundane politics, there are some administrative mechanisms at play, mostly logistical personnels to coordinate between the different forces of different political entities, as well as to coordinate between the military and the adventurers seeking fortune and glory in the frontline.

This is with the exception of the Guardian of Bladefall, a position assigned to the greatest individual of a time. To hold this position one must excel at martial as well as arcane arts, and to hold this position is to dedicate oneself to the most noble purpose of all, to defend against the corruption and to preserve the civilizations of Terre at any cost. In the events of a guardian’s death, a new guardian will be appointed according to either the old guardian’s will or a conveying of the political leaders of Terre.

The Awakening & The Old Guardian

Any literature on Terre history would surely put a large emphasis on the Awakening in AC 1273 and the subsequent construction of Bladefall. As the Enemy awakens and marches west, those fortunate enough to be buffered from the epicenter mustered what strength they can to build up enough defense to stop the invasion, but it was only a matter of days before civilization would be lost entirely, there was not enough time.

Then came the Old Guardian, a mysterious figure then unknown to the rest of the world, who joined the line of defense of Maltross and the Verzae Legion, and against all odds miraculously eliminated most of the Corrupted forces, at the mere cost of sacrificing himself. The Enemy would recover soon, but the precious time earned by the Old Guardian is enough for Terre to fortify the frontline and construct a bastion and a high wall, built on the ground of the fabled battle, and named in his memory.

The Cataclysm & Fall of the Blade

In the late spring of AC 1411, diviners at Bladefall forecasted a large-scale siege of Iris forces. The bastion prepares for the worst, yet none foresees the Old Guardian, reanimated by the Iris Corruption from his suspension in stasis at the Central Field, and wrecks havoc from within Bladefall. A group of adventurers caught in the first act of the Old Guardian’s rampage managed to distract him long enough for the forces of Bladefall to rally up and organize an timely extraction, minimizing casualties.

Bladefall has fallen, once a citadel of hope, now a powerful stronghold of the Iris Corruption. The Old Guardian himself sits within, waiting for the next act of the Corruption’s scheme. It is the utmost priority of every leader of Terre to muster a force to retake Bladefall, but even where to start seems like a question with no answer.

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