- Controlled by: Empire of Astartia
- Capitol: Urakyo
- Official language: Infernal common
- Common languages: Dwarvish, elvish (wood), goblin, celestial
- Inhabitant races: Human, dwarf
- Population as of AC 1411: ~ 8,950,000
- Demonym: Astartian
- Approximate form of government: Feudal monarchy
- Head of State: Emperor Horoku
Just north of Clearwater Gulf and beneath the mountains on the border of the Divine Glorian Empire is a long strip of fertile land. Under the name of the goddess Astarte of love, harvest, and fertility, the land of Astartia feeds itself with the bounty of the ocean and the soil. Its inhabitants take pride in their martial prowess, loyalty, and honor, and seeks for chances to prove themselves constantly.
A Land of Bounty
The land of Astartia is gifted with fertile soil, due to the waves of the Clearwater Gulf bringing nutrients into the earth, and the minerals washed by wind and rain down the mountains to the north. Grassy fields and temperate forests span the region, giving rise to a nation that focuses on agriculture and horticulture.
The Astartian economy relies heavily on agricultural exports to other regions, either through inland trade routes or naval transport via Clearwater Gulf. Rice fields surrounding cities and settlements thus become a vital form of wealth, which the nobles controlling the area assigns to peasants, forming the base of a feudal society.
Centered around Urakyo, ‘Gulf Capitol’ in Astartian, the Empire of Astartia along with its emperor rules over the population. Urakyo is a seaside city sitting on the tip of a small peninsula into Clearwater Gulf, with beautiful oriental architecture, surrounded by cherry blossom forests and patches of rice fields, with a large dock to handle the high frequency of naval trading.
Honor and Glory
A natural consequence of the Astartian society is its emphasis on loyalty and honesty. Astartians are renowned across Terre for their honor-abiding nature and martial prowess, serving one lord only until the end of their career, following their promises no matter how major or trivial they are. This makes Astartian warriors excellent mercenaries across the continent, as warriors and samurais travel Terre in search of fortune and glory.
Astartian culture also put a lot of importance into the art of the martial techniques: The art of the blade. Throughout history, Astartian sword smiths and blade masters have forged weapons and practiced styles, pouring their hearts and spirits into the steel, giving rise to legends, tales, and treasures unseen in other regions.
Warring Times
With honor and glory also come conflict and vain pride. The need to prove onself, amplified by opposite interests and promises, breeds fights, duels, and in the worst case, wars.
Just a few decades before the Awakening, Astartia experienced a prolonged period of warfare between cities and lords, which ended in AC 1245 by the hands of the most prominent warrior and warlord of Astartian history, known by the title of Demon King Miyatsuki. Once a small name settling west of Urakyo, the Miyatsuki clan conquered most oppositions under his lead with horrifying speed. Armies under his command often rival others tenfold their size, and Miyatsuki himself frequents the front line, executing enemies with his mastery over the blade. Many rumors that Miyatsuki borrowed his influence from fiendish vigor, yet under his decade of reign as Emperor, Astartia flourished after the warring times, as he spreads his particular interest in music and opera to the public.
Many years after the era of the Demon King, different lords occupying different regions of Astartian land once again envy the wealth of each other and the throne of Emperor Horoku, who in his old age is slowly succumbing to illness, and musters forces of their own in publicity or secrecy, but all waiting patiently for the day when their plans and schemes come into fruition.