Divine Glorian Empire
- Controlled by: Divine Glorian Empire
- Capitol: Crestwatch
- Official language: Infernal Common
- Common languages: Various
- Inhabitant races: Various
- Demonym: Glorian
- Population as of AC 1411: ~ 26,800,000
- Approximate form of government: Theocratic monarchy
- Head of State: Holy Emperor Ulrico Valeri
Religion and faith are forces to be reckoned with on their own, even more so when combined with military and politics. The Divine Glorian Empire is the geographically largest, and perhaps the largest in many other aspects, political and religious entity. DGE spans the western half of the continent, from the shoreline and the boreal forests to the west, to the more temperate forests north of Astartia, to the eastern marsh and wetlands bordering the Fractured Kingdoms of Albion’s March, housing a variety of different biomes and terrains. The empire is dedicated entirely to the goddess Gloria, with the Church of Gloria and the Inquisition division enforcing theocratic laws and smiting evil heretics in her name.
Imperial Lands
Divine Glorian Empire built itself upon the Forgotten Empire’s downfall, inheriting a variety of geological and historical features. The Empire borders most, if not all, of the political and cultural regions of Terre, establishing diplomatic relationships, whether friendly, neutral, or hostile.
The western section of the Empire is more dry and subarctic-like, featuring coniferous boreal forests of pines and spruces. The northern borders the mountain range that isolates Okeanos, the remnant of the Forgotten Empire, from the rest of Terre, featuring frequent blizzards and high winds, making large-scale movements almost impossible without major casualties, and fortunately devolving the border and historical tension between the two empires into a more passive hostility towards each other.
The middle section, directly north of Astartian lands across the Thyssoloma mountains, is more temperate in nature, featuring grasslands and occasional patches of forests. Many villages and towns dot the lands, and infrastructures are relatively well-developed.
The eastern section of the empire is much smaller in size and much more inhospitable, mostly consisting of marshes, swamps, and wetlands of Albion’s March, neighboring the Fractured Kingdoms that was once the Central Kingdom of Esh’dun. The terrain near the Thyssoloma to the south is much more suitable for construction, and supports the Maltrossian Main Road to Bladefall, as well as the Risen Road that spears into the heart of Albion’s March, and the Gateway City of Bound.
In the middle of the boreal forests of the western third, mountains surround a singular snowy peak like the crest of a crown, and beneath it a large crystal lake like a jewel in the land. Between the Crest and the Jewel of Terre lies the Ivory City of Crestwatch, the capitol of the Empire and the Church alike.
The Ivory City of Crestwatch
The Empire’s heart, Crestwatch, is a glorious city of ivory and gold, sitting on the shore of the Jewel of Terre, and backed by the slopes that leads to the Crest of Terre. The city is divided into districts, including two sections of city walls and gates to the southwest and the northeast. The northwestern side hugs the Crest and is occupied by the White Palace, in which spires and cathedrals decorate the mountain peaks like a necklace of ivory and faith. The southeast side is open to the Jewel, with a large dock district, unusual for a fresh water lake, but necessary to conduct frequent trading with the Perani Trading Corporation in Barohaven to the other side of the Jewel.
Religion in the Empire
Religion in DGE is, on the surface, quite straightforward. Most empire residents worship Gloria, the goddess of Light, Justice, and Courage, and the namesake of the Empire. While being a monotheistic theocracy, the church does not outlaw the worshipping of most other deities, and shrines to them can be seen across the Empire in different locations, although not as prominent, as expected. Even the evil-inclined deities are tolerated within imperial borders, as long as such related actions are not done in public, and the reason to such worship is justifiable: For example, Tiefling worship of Goetia is within reason and only frowned upon, but truthfully the history this continent had with Tieflings are perhaps a more major reason than their religious beliefs.
The Monarchy & The Theocracy
While the Divine Glorian Empire and the Church of Gloria are not the same entity administratively, their relationship is intertwined and complicated. The monarchy of DGE is traditionally associated with the goddess, acting as the representative of her divinity on Terre. The theocracy thus serves the monarchy - at least superficially - with all archbishops of the Church appointed by the Emperor, but whether this appointment is out of the Emperor’s own will or the Church’s command is not immediately clear.
The Church of Gloria itself houses bureaucratic rankings and systems, including a religious army of its own - the Inquisition. Inquisitors are ranked similarly to priests to Gloria, and are sent out on missions across Terre according to the interests of the Empire and the Church, most commonly to investigate and resolve acts of evil and heresy.
Although most of the Empire and the Church tries their best to be accommodating and understanding towards foreigners in religion, there have always been pushes for more extreme views and religious laws. These more fanatical priests and inquisitors form their own sect within the Church hierarchies, and enforces the ideals of Gloria to extremes, with methods to extremes, even in the eyes of the evil and the lawless. Although the Church and the Inquisition make administrative effort to keep them in check, these fanatics still snatch every chance they can to enact their vision of a religious utopia.