
  • Demonym: Zelarian
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Tempest
  • Titles: Torrential Tide; The Keymaster; Bringer of Arcane
  • Holy Symbol: A whirlpool with an eye in the middle.

Every practitioner of netheric arcane owes a part, if not all of their magic to Zelarch, the deity that brought this power upon Terre. It is said that in a time before time, when humanity is still blinded by their ignorance, the old lords bargained with Zelarch to bring forth the opening of the Shattered Gate, flooding the arcane torrents in the skies of Terre with mana, fueling the advancing of a new age. The Gate have since then fallen into disrepair, but its Keymaster still yet linger in the land, revered for his vast knowledge and the fables he have achieved, as the father of all arcane.

Zelarch is depicted in various forms with wizardly hats and robes, but with facial features replaced by a whirlpool with an eye, the Zelarian holy symbol. His power and legacy is passed down by all netheric arcane casters and practitioners. Followers of Zelarch studies the arcane arts, the theories of magic casting, and pursue the secrets and knowledges that he holds.

Relationship with Other Deities

Zelarch’s neutrality manifests in his domain over the seeking of knowledge, and thus does not share much relationship with other deities. However, the netheric arcane, being his legacy, is rather controversial. Oscerion and the Elder Wyrm are dissatisfied with Zelarch’s apathy to these consequences, while druidic deities like Furion and Faevan view him and his creation as invasive and unnatural.

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