
  • Demonym: Goetian
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Domains: Arcana, Forge, Tyranny
  • Titles: The Demon Lord; World Ender; The Enslaver.
  • Holy Symbol: A demon skull engraved with a Pentagram on the forehead.

The fiends of the Nether plane is a rare sight upon the waking realm of Terre, and a single one of them can wreck havoc unseen in a life time. But all fiends shall dwarf and bow before the Lord of Demons, the World Ender, the father of all fiends, Goetia. Exorcists and mystics travel the land in attempts to patch the tears between planes, in fear of the great demon escaping into the world, but to him, the oncoming apocalypse is only a matter of time.

Tieflings have roamed Terre for centuries since the Ascending, having risen from ruin and fallen from grace, but deep within each of them is the boiling fiendish blood, branding them as the miscreations and slaves of Goetia. Being the patron deity of tieflings, Goetia indeed granted them the chance to be, a bitter origin met with more often resentment than acceptance.

Goetia is depicted as a grand demon with curved horns, crimson skin, and grotesque, sharpened claws. A Pentagram glows on his forehead, marking him the lord of all fiends of the nether realms. He is the patron god of tieflings and fiends, and worshipped by those hungry for even a mere morsel of his power. Followers of Goetia seek their master’s overwhelming power for their own goals, and will often disregard that of others as irrevelant.

Relationship with Other Deities

Being the Demon Lord, Goetia is fundamental a destructive force, and is thus at odds with most deities. Strife, the god of warfare, would respect Goetia’s unrefined, unrestrained power, but he find Goetia’s tendency towards senseless, indiscriminate violence unnecessary and distasteful.

Despite the universal animosity, Goetia reserves a special piece of his hatred towards Pandeus, patron god of humans and the oppressed, who directly stood against his enslavement and broke the shackles.

Goetian followers are somewhat aligned with the two other fiendish beliefs, that of Paimon, god of forbidden knowledge, and Flauros, god of madness.

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