Sorcerer - Leyline Legacy

These sorcerers draw their power from Nature itself, from the land, the ocean, or the sky. The power of Nature is untamed, meant to be harnessed by only the true children of Terre.

Natural Prowess

Starting at 1st level, you gain access to the Druid spell list. These spells counts as sorcerer spells for you.

Child of Nature

When you select this origin at 1st level, your bloodline is infused with the druidic power of the leylines. Select a domain of nature, and you gain benefits according to your selection:

  • Land (Faevan): Your armor class is increased to 15 if it would be lower otherwise. In addition, you learn the Shield and Shield of Faith spells.
  • Ocean (Mizu’karas): You gain a swimming speed equal to your walk speed and can breath underwater. In addition, you learn the Create or Destory Water and Cure Wounds spells.
  • Sky (Furion): Your base walking speed increases by 10 ft. In addition, you learn the Fog Cloud and Witch Bolt spells.

These spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

Druidic Might

When you reach 6th level, your attunement to your druidic ancestry strengthens, granting you the following benefits:

  • Land (Faevan): The burning power of primordial lava flows through you. You are attuned to elemental fire and fire damage.
  • Ocean (Mizu’karas): The delicate capriciousness of the ocean is instilled within you. You are attuned to elemental water and cold damage.
  • Sky (Furion): The roaring tempests of the sky permeate your being. You are attuned to elemental air and lightning damage.

You become resistant to your attuned damage type. In addition, whenever you cast a sorcerer or druid spell or cantrip that deals your attuned damage type, you may expend sorcery points equal to half the spell’s level, rounded up, to cause that spell to deal maximum damage.

Elemental Warding

Starting at 14th level, whenever you or a creature within 20 ft of you takes an instance of your attuned damage type, you may use your reaction and expend 2 sorcery points to reduce that damage by a value equal to your sorcerer level.

You may target more than one creature with this feature, but must expend one additional sorcery point per each creature you choose to target.

Avatar of Nature

Starting at 18th level, you graft your bloodline to the leylines itself, exerting influence all around you. All friendly creatures within 20 ft of you gain resistance to your attuned damage type.

In addition, every hostile creature that starts their turn within 20 ft of you, or enters that area for the first time, takes damage equal to your Charisma modifier of your attuned damage type.

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