
  • Demonym: Oscerian
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Domains: Knowledge, Peace, Redemption
  • Titles: The Redeemer; Merit Seeker; Ancient Sage
  • Holy Symbol: A extending hand holding a tome.

From the beginning of time, the curiosity of humanity have created the zeniths and nadirs of history, and Oscerion the ancient sage witnessed all of them. Knowledge is a dangerous force, the pursuit of it even more so, and Oscerion aims guide those who seek so, lead humanity to the right future, a future of peace and prosperity. Even for those who have fallen and followed the dark paths, Oscerion will find the good remaining in them, and guide them on the discovery of themselves, and ultimately their redemption. With his infinite wisdom comes the ultimate understanding, of not only the reason of others, the merit that remains, but also the nature of oneself.

Oscerion is often depicted as an elderly humanoid with ivory robes and grey hair and beard, with an open tome in his left hand, and extending forward his right hand. He watches over knowledge seekers, scholars, and those seeking redemption from the dark path. Followers of Oscerion are curious and inquisitive, kind to friends and strangers alike, believes in the good of humanity, and only resorts to violence when necessary.

Relationship with Other Deities

Oscerion and the Elder Wyrm are both deities whose creed involves the regulation of magic. Their beliefs are mostly in accord, with Oscerion more focused on guiding the good, and the Elder Wyrm more focused on punishing the evil. Followers of the two deities may disagree on their methods, but share the same goal ultimately.

Both faiths will thus tend to exercise caution with followers of Zelarch, the god of netheric arcane, and directly oppose the belief of Paimon, god of forbidden knowledge.

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