
  • Demonym: Dolnarian
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Domains: Forge, Grave, Order
  • Titles: King in the Mountain (Bergentrückung); Atlas Smith.
  • Holy Symbol: An anvil and a smithing hammer.

The dwarves of Hollunberg have long established their own kingdom under the mountian, witnessing the rise and fall of empires throughout time. But there is something more ancient than their massive city-complex under the mountain: a cavern as old as Terre itself, its depth extending down to the upper reaches of the Nether, and within it resides an entity that precedes the mountains above.

This entity, Dolnar, is said to be the master smith, with all the fabled steels in Terre under his name, forged within the lava beneath his throne. His most prized creation now roams the land above to spread his ideals of a perfect society: one of strength, order, and tenacity, and those of his children that walks the opposite path live in fear of the day, when the mountain will rapture and Dolnar will rise from the Underthrone to punish his faltered creations.

Dolnar is portrayed as a sturdy drawven smith working in his forge wielding a black steel smithing hammer. As the patron god of dwarves, Dolnar watches over his children and all that shares his talent: smiths of weapons and armors. Followers of Dolnar are unrelenting and determined in the pursuit of their goal, and considers showing weakness the biggest weakness of all.

Relationship with Other Deities

The historical neutrality of dwarves resulted in very few alliances or oppositions between Dolnar and other deities. He does however watch over smiths and tinkers together with Strife, god of warfare, and shares dominion over the underground caverns with Apocryph, god of secrets.

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