Monk - Way of the Yolkateomeh (Night Avatars)

The tribespeople of Yharn finds worship in the Nocturne Parade that stalks the jungle at night, learning what they can from the hostile nature that is indifferent to their plight. Beyond their collective worship of Xbeltz’aloc the Night Crawler, Yharnic tribals pay respect to deified animalistic entities known as Yolkateomeh, or Night Avatars. Way of the Yolkateomeh is the practice of honing one’s body to the greater will of the Yharnic jungle as a whole, fighting with the ferocity, agility, and shrewdness of the Night Avatars.


While the tribespeople of Yharn accepts the Night Avatars’ influence willingly, there are those who fall victim to Xbeltz’aloc’s curse, obtaining such power against their will. For them, Way of the Yolkateomeh takes on an appearance that is less animalistic, and instead more eldritch and horrific, in the form of aberrant blood and warped flesh.

Heightened Instincts

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you learn how to sharpen your senses like the night beasts to seek out prey and predator alike even within darkness. You have advantage on all Perception checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Warrior of the Night

Starting from 3rd level, your body and spirit attunes to the Night Avatars of Yharn, accepting their influence, power, and wisdom to fight alongside you in battle. Choose one of the Avatars to devote yourself to, and gain the corresponding benefit:

Claws of Tamok. You devote yourself to Tamok, the Jaguar, embodying the ferocity of the jungle. Whenever you make an unarmed attack granted by Flurry of Blows, you can choose to deal fire damage instead of bludgeoning damage, and creatures hit by this attack suffers a -1 penalty to AC until the end of your next round.

Talons of Ya’atzali. You devote yourself to Ya’atzali, the Eagle, embodying the agility of the jungle. Whenever you make an unarmed attack granted by Flurry of Blows, you can choose to deal lightning damage instead of bludgeoning damage, and this attack has a base critical threshold of 19.

Fangs of Sichuc. You devote yourself to Sichuc, the Serpent, embodying the shrewdness of the jungle. Whenever you make an unarmed attack granted by Flurry of Blows, you can choose to deal poison damage instead of bludgeoning damage, and this attack has the reach property.

You can only devote yourself to one Avatar at once. You can change the Avatar you are devoted to whenever you finish a long rest.

Blood Frenzy

Starting from 6th level, the sight and scent of blood entices you, driving you into a frenzy. Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 extra damage to creatures below half health, and 1d4 extra damage when you are below half health.

Bestial Blessings

At 11th level, your devotion to the Night Avatars bestow you with aberrant blessings. You gain the benefit corresponding to your devotion:

Jaguar’s Pounce. Whenever you use Step of the Wind to take the dash action, you can pounce towards a target within your reach during your movement. The target must make a Strength saving throw against your Ki save DC, being knocked prone on a fail.

Eagle’s Flight. Whenever you use Step of the Wind to take the disengage action, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed until the end of your turn.

Serpent’s Vitality. Whenever you use Patient Defense to take the dodge action, you regain hitpoints equal to your Proficiency modifier plus your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).

Additionally, you can expend 2 Ki to change your devotion to any Avatar as an action.

Join the Parade

At 17th level, you become one with the Night Avatars, joining their ranks in the Nocturne Parade. As a bonus action, you can expend 7 Ki points to invoke the primal influence of the Night Avatars and Xbeltz’aloc and shroud yourself in dreadful shadows. Until the end of your next turn, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can move through creatures as if they were normal terrain. If you end your turn within a creature’s occupied space, the creature is shoved aside.
  • Whenever a creature ends their turn within 10 ft of you, you can choose to deal 2d10 psychic damage to them.
  • Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you can choose to subject them to a Wisdom saving throw. On fail, the creature is frightened of you until the end of their next turn.

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