
  • Demonym: Mizu’karan
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Domains: Chaos, Trickery, Tempest
  • Titles: Lady of Tempest; The Siren Mother; Matron of Discord.
  • Holy Symbol: A sapphire charged with lightning.

When the sea was still calm, ships would frequent the open seas surrounding Terre, on one hand greatly expediting trade and travel, on the other putting countless lives at the mercy of goddess Mizu’karas, the Lady of Tempest, Matron of Discord. Her blessing and wrath come haphazardly, and those brave enough to challenge her domain are met with her ruthless trials, and often times fated to the cold, dark abyss below.

Mizu’karas is portrayed as a goddess with aquatic features, most commonly fins and gills, sometimes with the lower half of a fish, and holding her trident with two hands. She is chaotic and unpredictable, but sometimes sailors, merchants, or brave, thrill-seeking seafarers might just be fortunate enough to receive her blessings. Followers of Mizu’karas tend to enact the protection granted by their goddess on these travellers, or call upon the surging storm and the crashing wave to punish those that dare disrespect the Lady.

Relationship with Other Deities

Due to her tendency to chaos, Mizu’karas and her followers does not work together much with other deities. Some exceptions include the shared dominion over Empire of Astartia with Astarte, and the shared dominion over nature with Furion.

Mizu’karas tends to act on her own pleasure, raising storms and tides with no regard of the safety of naval travellers, which put her at odds with Wondox, deity of safe travels. Mizu’karas would largely consider Wondoxi influence trivial and not worth her interest, and those fortunate enough to escape her whim under foreign blessing will once more face fury twicefold the next time they come under her mercy.

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